Following the recent police incident involving actresses Caroline Hutchings and Shan George, the Ashluxe CEO, whose identity remains anonymous, has come under fire for his treatment of the women. In a scathing statement released on social media, Hutchings has accused the CEO of lacking empathy and respect, particularly towards women.

Hutchings, who was arrested and detained along with Shan George after a dispute with the Ashluxe CEO, has vehemently denied the allegations of unpaid debt. She has claimed that the CEO is using his influence to harass and intimidate women, and that his actions are a clear violation of their rights.

In her statement, Hutchings detailed the events leading up to the arrest, accusing the CEO of using abusive language and threatening behavior. She also highlighted the fact that she had attempted to resolve the dispute amicably but was met with hostility and disregard.

“The CEO’s behavior towards us was appalling,” Hutchings wrote. “He treated us with utter disrespect and lacked any sense of empathy. His actions were a clear demonstration of his disregard for women and his belief that he is above the law.”

Hutchings’ statement has sparked widespread outrage and condemnation of the CEO’s actions. Many have expressed their support for the actresses and called for justice to be served. Others have criticized the CEO for his use of power and influence to silence women.

A Growing Concern Over Women’s Rights

The incident involving Hutchings and George has highlighted the growing concern over women’s rights in Nigeria. Despite significant progress in recent years, women continue to face discrimination, harassment, and violence in various aspects of their lives.

The Ashluxe CEO’s alleged behavior towards Hutchings and George is a stark reminder of the challenges women face in asserting their rights and demanding respect. It also raises questions about the role of powerful individuals in perpetuating gender-based inequality.

The Impact on the Fashion Industry

The controversy surrounding the Ashluxe CEO has also had implications for the Nigerian fashion industry. Ashluxe is a well-known and respected brand, and the incident has raised questions about the company’s reputation and business practices.

Some industry observers have expressed concerns that the controversy could damage the brand’s image and lead to a decline in sales. Others, however, believe that the incident could actually boost the brand’s visibility and attract new customers who are more aligned with values of gender equality and social justice.

The Future of the Dispute

It remains to be seen how the dispute between Hutchings and the Ashluxe CEO will be resolved. Both sides have presented conflicting accounts of the incident, and it is unclear whether the matter will be settled out of court or through legal proceedings.

The incident has highlighted the complexities of celebrity feuds and the challenges of resolving disputes in the public eye. It also serves as a reminder of the importance of accountability and transparency in the business world.

Additional Considerations:

  • The Role of Social Media: Social media has played a significant role in amplifying Hutchings’ statement and fueling the debate surrounding the incident.
  • The Impact on the Ashluxe CEO’s Career: The controversy could have a negative impact on the CEO’s career, as it may damage his reputation and make it difficult for him to find new employment.
  • The Role of the Police: The police department has come under scrutiny for its handling of the incident, with many questioning the officers’ motives and the legality of the arrests.
  • The Future of Women’s Rights in Nigeria: The incident has highlighted the ongoing challenges faced by women in Nigeria and the need for greater efforts to promote gender equality and protect women’s rights.


Caroline Hutchings’ scathing statement against the Ashluxe CEO has ignited a heated debate about gender-based inequality and the treatment of women in Nigeria. While the dispute remains unresolved, it has raised important questions about power, accountability, and the role of businesses in promoting social justice. As the situation continues to unfold, it will be interesting to see how the parties involved resolve their differences and whether the incident will have lasting consequences.


Yetty is an entertainment blogger with skin in the game. She knows her way around the industry and thrives to promote and share binge-worthy contents. She is one of the best bloggers out there.

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