Controversial internet personality Martins Vincent Otse, better known by his online moniker VeryDarkMan (VDM), has successfully launched a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) that has raised an astonishing ₦33 million in donations within its first 24 hours of existence. This unexpected pivot from social media firebrand to philanthropist has sent shockwaves through Nigerian online communities and beyond, leaving many to wonder: Is this the dawn of a new era for one of Nigeria’s most polarizing figures?

VeryDarkMan, whose confrontational style and unfiltered commentary on social issues have made him both a villain and a hero to different segments of Nigerian society, announced the launch of his NGO, “Speak Truth, Spark Change,” in a live Instagram session that quickly went viral. The organization’s stated mission is to address social inequalities, provide support for victims of abuse, and promote transparency in public affairs – all themes that have been central to VDM’s often controversial online presence.

“For too long, we’ve been talking about problems without taking action,” VeryDarkMan declared during the launch. “This NGO is about putting our money where our mouth is. It’s time to turn words into deeds, to transform likes and shares into real change on the ground.

The response was immediate and overwhelming. Within hours of the announcement, donations began pouring in from supporters across Nigeria and the diaspora. The rapid accumulation of funds – reaching ₦33 million in less than a day – has left even VDM himself visibly stunned.

I always believed in the power of the people, but this… this is beyond my wildest dreams,” he said in a follow-up video, his trademark bravado temporarily replaced by what appeared to be genuine emotion. “To everyone who has contributed, I promise you this: every kobo will go towards making real change in our society.”

The launch and its success have sparked intense debate across Nigerian social media platforms. Supporters of VeryDarkMan are hailing it as vindication of his controversial methods, arguing that his brash style has always been in service of highlighting important social issues.

Adebola Williams, co-founder of RED Media Africa, commented on the phenomenon: “Love him or hate him, you can’t deny VeryDarkMan’s ability to mobilize people. He’s tapped into a vein of frustration in Nigerian society, particularly among the youth. This NGO could be a game-changer if managed properly.”

However, critics and skeptics have been quick to raise concerns. Some question the wisdom of entrusting such a large sum of money to a figure known more for his social media antics than his experience in charitable work or financial management.

VeryDarkMan has responded to these concerns by announcing that he will be partnering with established financial and legal experts to ensure transparency and proper management of the funds. He has also promised regular public audits and impact reports.

The NGO’s first announced project is the establishment of a shelter and support center for victims of domestic abuse in Lagos, a cause that VDM has vocally supported in his online content. Plans for educational initiatives and community development projects are also in the works, according to a press release from the newly formed organization.

The success of “Speak Truth, Spark Change” has caught the attention of established NGOs and philanthropic organizations in Nigeria. Toyin Saraki, founder of the Wellbeing Foundation Africa, expressed cautious optimism: “It’s always encouraging to see new players enter the philanthropic space, especially those who can energize young people. We look forward to seeing how this initiative develops and hope to collaborate on shared goals.”

The launch has also reignited discussions about the power and potential pitfalls of social media influence in Nigeria. With over 2 million followers across various platforms, VeryDarkMan’s ability to rapidly mobilize support and funds demonstrates the shifting landscape of civic engagement and charity in the digital age.

Tech entrepreneur and social commentator Japheth Omojuwa weighed in on the phenomenon: “What we’re seeing with VeryDarkMan’s NGO is the democratization of philanthropy. Social media has given voices like his a platform not just to criticize, but to actually initiate change. It’s a powerful shift, but one that comes with great responsibility.”

The launch has not been without its controversies. Some of VDM’s past statements and actions have resurfaced, with critics questioning whether someone with his history of polarizing comments is fit to lead a charitable organization. Others have praised his transparency in addressing these concerns head-on.

In a move that surprised many, VeryDarkMan invited some of his harshest critics to join an advisory board for the NGO. I know I’m not perfect,” he stated in a press conference. “But this isn’t about me. It’s about the change we can create together. I want even those who disagree with me to be part of this journey.”

As news of the NGO’s successful launch spreads, it has caught the attention of international media, with several global publications expressing interest in covering this unique story of social media controversy transformed into tangible social action.

The Nigerian government has also taken notice. A spokesperson for the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs, Disaster Management and Social Development released a statement: “We are monitoring the situation closely and are open to collaborating with all legitimate organizations working towards the betterment of Nigerian society.

For VeryDarkMan, the launch of “Speak Truth, Spark Change” represents a pivotal moment in his public persona. Long seen as a provocateur and rebel, he now faces the challenge of transitioning into a role of responsibility and leadership.

I’ve always said that my goal was to wake people up, to make them see the truth about our society,” VDM reflected in a recent interview. “Now it’s time to show that we can do more than talk. We can act, we can build, we can change things for real.”

As the dust settles on the whirlwind launch, all eyes are on VeryDarkMan and his fledgling NGO. Will this controversial figure successfully channel his influence into meaningful social change, or will the pressures of managing a high-profile charity prove too much? Only time will tell, but one thing is certain: in less than 24 hours, VeryDarkMan has transformed the conversation around social media influence and philanthropy in Nigeria.

The coming months will be crucial as “Speak Truth, Spark Change” begins to implement its ambitious plans. For now, the ₦33 million raised stands as a testament to the power of social media, the desire for change among Nigerian youth, and the unpredictable nature of influence in the digital age. Whether this marks the beginning of a new chapter in Nigerian philanthropy or a cautionary tale remains to be seen, but there’s no doubt that VeryDarkMan has once again captured the nation’s attention – this time, with the promise of positive change.


Yetty is an entertainment blogger with skin in the game. She knows her way around the industry and thrives to promote and share binge-worthy contents. She is one of the best bloggers out there.

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