The University of Ibadan (UI), one of Nigeria’s most prestigious institutions, has been forced to temporarily close its doors following widespread protests against a recent fee increment. The decision by the university management to shut down operations for three weeks has sparked outrage among students and their parents.

The fee increment, which was announced earlier this year, has been met with significant opposition from students. The increase, which is seen as a heavy burden on students and their families, has prompted protests and demonstrations on campus.

Student Protests

Students have staged various forms of protest, including sit-ins, marches, and rallies. They have raised concerns about the affordability of education at UI and the impact of the fee increment on their academic pursuits.

The university management has defended the fee increment, arguing that it is necessary to improve the quality of education and infrastructure on campus. They have also stated that the increase is in line with the current economic realities.

The Closure

In an effort to restore order and ensure the safety of students and staff, the university management has decided to temporarily close the school for three weeks. The closure will take effect immediately, and all academic activities will be suspended during this period.

The decision to close the school has been met with mixed reactions from students. Some have expressed support for the closure, arguing that it is necessary to allow the management to address the issues surrounding the fee increment. However, others have criticized the decision, arguing that it is unfair to punish students for protesting their rights.

Impact on Academic Calendar

The closure is expected to have a significant impact on the academic calendar. The university will need to make adjustments to ensure that the academic year is not unduly disrupted.

Many students and parents are concerned about the potential for learning loss during the closure. They fear that the extended break could negatively impact students’ academic progress.

The Role of Dialogue

The closure of the university highlights the importance of dialogue and compromise between students and management. It is essential for both parties to engage in constructive discussions to find solutions to the issues at hand.

The fee increment protests and subsequent closure raise questions about the future of UI. It is crucial for the university to address the concerns of students and find sustainable solutions to the challenges it faces.


The closure of the University of Ibadan due to fee increment protests is a significant development. It highlights the growing challenges faced by Nigerian universities and the need for reforms to ensure the affordability and accessibility of higher education. As the university works to resolve the issues surrounding the fee increment, it is essential that the voices of students are heard and their concerns are addressed.


Yetty is an entertainment blogger with skin in the game. She knows her way around the industry and thrives to promote and share binge-worthy contents. She is one of the best bloggers out there.

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