Popular Nigerian radio personality, vlogger, and author Toke Makinwa is no stranger to online criticism. But her recent witty response to a troll mocking her marital status at 39 has sparked a conversation about societal pressures and self-worth.

A Troll’s Jab: “Still Unmarried at 39?”

The incident began with a seemingly innocuous post by Makinwa on her Instagram page. The post, a picture of her looking radiant, was met with a barrage of comments, most positive, but one stood out. A troll commented, “Still unmarried at 39? When will you settle down?”

Makinwa’s Clapback: Witty and Empowering

Makinwa, known for her sharp wit and unapologetic persona, didn’t shy away from the comment. Instead, she delivered a powerful and empowering response. “Settling down for who?” she wrote. “Last I checked, I haven’t gotten lost. Marriage isn’t a validation of my worth as a woman. I’m living my best life and thriving. Maybe you should try that too.”

Fans Rally Behind Makinwa: #UnmarriedAndFabulous

Makinwa’s response resonated with many fans, particularly women. The hashtag #UnmarriedAndFabulous quickly gained traction on social media, with women sharing their stories and celebrating their achievements regardless of marital status.

The Pressure to Marry: Is Society Changing?

The incident highlights the lingering societal pressure placed on women, particularly in Nigeria, to get married by a certain age. However, there’s a growing trend of women challenging these norms and choosing alternative paths to fulfillment.

Makinwa’s Story: A Journey of Self-Discovery

Makinwa herself has been open about her personal life, including her high-profile divorce in 2016. She has used her platform to advocate for female empowerment and self-love, encouraging women to define their own happiness and success.

Beyond Marriage: Defining Success on Your Own Terms

Makinwa’s message is clear: Marriage isn’t the only path to a fulfilling life. Women can build successful careers, create loving families, and find happiness on their own terms.

The Role of Social Media: A Double-Edged Sword

Social media can be a breeding ground for negativity and unsolicited advice. However, it can also be a powerful tool for women to connect, share experiences, and challenge societal expectations.

The Importance of Positive Role Models

Women like Makinwa who are successful, independent, and vocal about their choices serve as positive role models for younger generations. They show them that there’s no single path to happiness, and marriage is just one option among many.

Shifting the Narrative: Moving Beyond Marriage

The conversation sparked by Makinwa’s response is a step towards a more inclusive definition of success for women. It’s about celebrating achievements, personal growth, and living a fulfilling life, regardless of marital status.

Marriage Isn’t a Mark of Completion

Marriage can be a beautiful part of life, but it shouldn’t be seen as the ultimate goal or a marker of completion. Women are complex individuals with aspirations and dreams that go beyond just finding a partner.

Empowering the Next Generation: Redefining Expectations

By speaking out against societal pressures, women like Makinwa are paving the way for a future where young girls grow up with a broader definition of success and the freedom to choose their own paths in life.

Beyond the Headlines: A Conversation for Change

Toke Makinwa’s witty response to a troll has sparked a necessary conversation about societal expectations and the importance of defining success on your own terms. While the debate surrounding marriage and female fulfillment will likely continue, Makinwa’s message of self-worth and empowerment serves as a reminder that a woman’s value doesn’t depend on a ring on her finger.

The future remains to be seen for Toke Makinwa, but one thing is clear: she is a strong, independent woman who is redefining what it means to be successful and happy in the 21st century.


Yetty is an entertainment blogger with skin in the game. She knows her way around the industry and thrives to promote and share binge-worthy contents. She is one of the best bloggers out there.

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