A depiction of a robbery scene in a yet-to-be-released movie has sparked outrage online, with a Muslim woman accusing actress Nancy Isime of disrespecting the religious attire known as a Niqab. The Niqab, which covers the entire face except for the eyes, holds deep significance for many Muslim women who choose to wear it as an expression of their faith.

Social Media Erupts in Criticism

The controversy began when Isime shared a clip from the movie on her social media pages. In the scene, Isime, dressed in a black Niqab and wielding a gun, threatens a store cashier. The clip quickly garnered criticism, particularly from Muslim women who felt the portrayal was insensitive and offensive.

Sarah Khan, a social media user, commented: >This is so disappointing. The Niqab is a religious garment worn by many Muslim women for personal and religious reasons. Using it in this way to portray a criminal is disrespectful and inaccurate.

Aisha Mohammed echoed the sentiment, stating: >There are countless ways to portray a robber in a movie without resorting to religious stereotypes. This kind of portrayal only furthers Islamophobia and fuels negative perceptions of Muslim women.

The criticism gained momentum, with many calling out Isime and the filmmakers for their lack of sensitivity.

Isime Responds to the Backlash

Faced with mounting criticism, Isime issued a statement defending her role and the film’s intentions. She clarified that the movie is a fictional story and not meant to target any specific religion or culture.

Isime stated in her defense: >This movie is a work of fiction. My character is a criminal, and the Niqab was simply part of her disguise. There is no deeper meaning or religious connotation intended.

However, Isime’s explanation failed to appease many critics who argued that the choice to use the Niqab was irresponsible and could have easily been replaced with a different disguise that wouldn’t have sparked religious controversy.

A Wider Conversation About Representation

The incident has sparked a broader conversation about the importance of accurate and respectful representation in film. Muslim women, who are often stereotyped and marginalized in media, are calling for more nuanced portrayals that reflect the diversity of their experiences.

Halima Ali, a filmmaker, shared her thoughts: >We rarely see Muslim women portrayed in a positive light in movies. This incident is a reminder of the need for more Muslim voices in the filmmaking industry. We need to be telling our own stories and controlling the narrative.

The controversy surrounding Isime’s portrayal of a robber in a Niqab highlights the challenges of achieving sensitive and respectful representation in film. It serves as a call to action for filmmakers to be more mindful of the potential impact of their creative choices and to strive for portrayals that celebrate diversity and avoid perpetuating negative stereotypes.

Moving Forward: Fostering Understanding and Respect

The outrage sparked by Isime’s use of the Niqab presents an opportunity for open dialogue and education. Filmmakers can learn from this incident by including Muslim women in the conversation during the creative process.

Here are some suggestions for fostering understanding and respect:

  • Consulting with Muslim communities: Filmmakers can engage with Muslim communities to gain insights into their experiences and ensure that their portrayals are accurate and respectful.

  • Showcasing diverse Muslim characters: Movies should strive to portray Muslim women in a variety of roles, not just as victims or criminals.

  • Promoting Muslim representation behind the camera: Encouraging more Muslim women to participate in filmmaking, both in front of and behind the camera, is crucial for achieving authentic and inclusive storytelling.

By fostering open communication and prioritizing respectful representation, the film industry can create a more inclusive environment that celebrates diversity and avoids perpetuating harmful stereotypes.


Yetty is an entertainment blogger with skin in the game. She knows her way around the industry and thrives to promote and share binge-worthy contents. She is one of the best bloggers out there.

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