The Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministry has been embroiled in controversy after accusations of fabricating divine encounters surfaced online. In response to the skepticism, the church’s Head of Public Relations and Media, Pastor Chidi Louis, has defended the authenticity of the testimonies shared by its members.

Pastor Louis dismissed the allegations, claiming that the videos circulating on social media have been doctored to tarnish the church’s image. He emphasized that there are complete, unabridged versions of the testimonies that provide a more accurate context.

The fact remains that someone doctored the videos to tarnish the image of the church,” Pastor Louis stated. There are unabridged versions of the testimonies, but what these people did was circulate shortened clips on social media with the intent of damaging the church’s reputation.

The church maintains that it does not screen or interview members before they share their testimonies, emphasizing the importance of living a holy and righteous life.

We believe that anybody who comes to hear the message of God and is touched, and says they are born again, should live right and maintain holiness and righteousness,” Pastor Louis explained. “So, there is no need for us to begin to doubt someone’s testimony.”

Pastor Louis also provided insight into the Lord’s Chosen Church’s vision and mandate, which drive its unique approach to evangelism.

Our vision is grassroots revival across the world, which involves going to the nooks and crannies of the globe to preach the gospel of repentance to all,” he said. Our mandate is to spread the gospel of repentance to every corner of the world, telling people that Jesus Christ came, was crucified for humanity’s sins, died, was buried, and on the third day, rose again for our justification.

Despite the online criticism, Pastor Louis remains unfazed, emphasizing the church’s unwavering faith in God’s power. He also encourages those who doubt the church’s claims to visit and witness its activities firsthand.

“I don’t think what is happening has any impact on the church,” Pastor Louis said. “Our general overseer is not bothered by it. It’s normal—once you’re doing the right thing, people will criticise you.”

The Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministry continues to face scrutiny over the authenticity of its members’ testimonies. However, the church remains steadfast in its beliefs and encourages those with doubts to investigate its claims firsthand. As the controversy continues, it remains to be seen how the church will navigate the challenges posed by the digital age.


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