Reno Omokri, a noted Nigerian author and public figure, has recently articulated a compelling argument for the urgent need to regulate social media within Nigeria. Omokri’s insights stem from a deep concern over the unchecked and irresponsible use of social media platforms by the country’s youth, a situation he attributes to a lack of discipline and responsible example-setting by the older generation.

Highlighting the extensive consumption of internet pornography and addiction to online betting among Nigerian youths, Omokri points to a broader societal issue exacerbated by unregulated access to social media. The comparison with technological and developmental strides made by Asian and Nordic youths starkly illustrates the missed opportunities for Nigerian children, who, instead of contributing to technological advancement, are mired in the consumption of harmful content.

Omokri draws attention to the severe social repercussions of unrestricted social media use, including the normalization of premarital, extramarital, and underage sexual relationships, as well as the alarming rate of single motherhood in parts of Lagos. These trends, according to him, are indicative of a broader social degradation fuelled by social media.

Advocating for government intervention, Omokri suggests regulating social media access for individuals under eighteen, based on National Identification Number (NIN) and SIM card registration. Moreover, he underscores the importance of cultural and educational reforms, including the revival of traditional values and educational systems that have historically anchored Nigerian society.

Omokri contrasts the role of social media in Nigeria with its impact in Asia and Nordic countries, where it serves as a conduit for spreading knowledge in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields, thereby fostering a culture of innovation and learning. This juxtaposition serves as a stark reminder of the potential benefits of social media when aligned with societal values and goals.

Echoing the bipartisan efforts in the United States to address the challenges posed by platforms like TikTok, Omokri’s commentary is a clarion call for Nigeria to reclaim its cultural ethos and prioritize the moral and educational development of its youth through the regulation of social media. His perspective offers a critical lens through which to view the intersection of technology, culture, and governance, advocating for a balanced approach that safeguards the future of the Nigerian youth while embracing the positive potential of social media.


Ade is consistent in the world of politics, tech and entertainment. He is really updated on the recent happenings in the world and has a skin in the game.

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