Sunmbo Adeoye, a prominent Nigerian businesswoman, philanthropist, and single mother, has made a powerful statement about single motherhood, urging men to change their perceptions and support single parents.

In a recent interview, Adeoye addressed the stigma often associated with single motherhood, emphasizing that it’s not a life-threatening disease or a curse. She encouraged men to embrace and support single mothers, recognizing their strength, resilience, and the invaluable role they play in raising children.

“Single motherhood is a choice, not a curse,” Adeoye declared. It’s a testament to the strength and resilience of women who are willing to raise their children on their own. We shouldn’t be stigmatized or looked down upon for our choices.”

Adeoye, who herself is a successful single mother, shared her personal experiences and the challenges she has faced. She emphasized that raising children alone can be demanding but rewarding, and that single mothers deserve the same respect and support as married couples.

The Stigma Surrounding Single Motherhood

Single motherhood is often met with negative stereotypes and judgment. Some people may view it as a failure, a moral lapse, or a burden. These misconceptions can contribute to feelings of isolation, shame, and inadequacy among single mothers.

Adeoye’s message is a powerful challenge to these harmful stereotypes. She argues that single motherhood is a valid choice, and that single mothers should be celebrated for their strength and determination.

The Importance of Support

Adeoye also highlighted the importance of support for single mothers. She emphasized that raising children alone can be overwhelming, and that single mothers need the encouragement and assistance of family, friends, and communities.

“Single mothers need our support, not our judgment,” Adeoye said. “We should be there for them, offering a listening ear, providing practical assistance, and celebrating their achievements.”

Adeoye’s call for support is particularly relevant in a society where single mothers often face significant challenges, including financial difficulties, social isolation, and discrimination. By providing support, we can help single mothers overcome these obstacles and create a more inclusive and supportive environment.

Breaking Down Stereotypes and Promoting Equality

In addition to her message of support, Adeoye also emphasized the importance of breaking down stereotypes and promoting equality. She urged men to challenge their own biases and to recognize the value of single motherhood.

“We need to challenge the harmful stereotypes that surround single motherhood,” Adeoye said. “We need to promote equality and ensure that single mothers have the same opportunities and resources as married couples.”

Adeoye’s message is a powerful reminder that single motherhood is a valid choice, and that single mothers deserve to be respected and supported. By breaking down stereotypes and promoting equality, we can create a more inclusive and supportive society for all.


Sunmbo Adeoye’s statement about single motherhood is a powerful reminder of the strength, resilience, and determination of single mothers. By challenging harmful stereotypes and promoting support, we can create a more inclusive and supportive society for all.

Adeoye’s message is a call to action for men and women alike. It’s a reminder that we should celebrate single mothers, not judge them. We should support them, not stigmatize them. And we should work together to create a world where single motherhood is seen as a choice, not a curse.


Yetty is an entertainment blogger with skin in the game. She knows her way around the industry and thrives to promote and share binge-worthy contents. She is one of the best bloggers out there.

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