Social media, often touted as a platform for connection and community, can quickly turn toxic, especially when personal disagreements spill online. A recent case involving music star Davido and his baby mama, Sophia Momodu, exemplifies this phenomenon. Their custody battle has played out on social media, with both parties airing grievances in public forums. This has sparked concern about the potential harm such public disputes can inflict on all involved, including the child at the center of the controversy.

Dele Momodu: A Voice for Reason

Weighing in on the situation is Dele Momodu, a prominent Nigerian media mogul and Davido’s uncle through Sophia Momodu. Known for his outspoken nature and commitment to responsible journalism, Momodu took to his Instagram page to urge the couple to cease their public mudslinging.

In a powerful message, Momodu emphasized the detrimental impact of their online feud. He stated, “The vitriolic rhetoric in the media should be avoided by all means as it only further inflames what is already a traumatic experience for all parties involved, especially the child in question.” [1]

Momodu’s intervention highlights a crucial point: social media battles rarely offer solutions. They often escalate tensions, fueling hurt and anger.

The Pitfalls of Public Feuds

The allure of social media can be deceptive. The ease of posting can lead to impulsive statements, often made in the heat of the moment. These statements, once shared publicly, can have lasting consequences.

Here are some key pitfalls of airing personal disputes on social media:

  • Escalation: Public back-and-forth can quickly spiral out of control. Each new comment becomes an invitation for further response, creating a toxic cycle that’s difficult to break.
  • Loss of Privacy: Once something is online, it’s nearly impossible to erase. Personal details, even if intended for a specific audience, can easily be shared and amplified beyond control.
  • Emotional Toll: Public feuds can take a significant emotional toll on all parties involved. The constant negativity and scrutiny can lead to anxiety, depression, and damage self-esteem.
  • Impact on Children: Children are particularly vulnerable to the fallout of online conflict between parents. Witnessing their parents engage in public battles can cause emotional distress and feelings of insecurity.

Beyond Davido and Sophia: A Call for Responsible Social Media Use

While Momodu’s comments specifically address the situation between Davido and Sophia, his message resonates with a broader audience.

Social media offers a powerful platform for communication, but it comes with a responsibility to use it wisely. Here are some tips for responsible social media use in the face of conflict:

  • Take a Deep Breath: Before hitting post, take a moment to cool down.
  • Seek Private Channels: Difficult conversations are best addressed privately, allowing for a more respectful and productive exchange.
  • Consider the Audience: Remember, once something is posted online, it’s accessible to a vast and unknown audience.
  • Focus on Solutions: If airing grievances online feels inevitable, focus on constructive communication rather than blame.
  • Prioritize Children: When children are involved, their well-being should be the top priority. Public conflict can create a hostile environment for them.

Social media can be a powerful tool for connection, but it can also be a breeding ground for negativity. By choosing civility over conflict, and prioritizing the well-being of those involved, users like Davido and Sophia can help turn the tide towards a more responsible and positive online environment.

A Path to Resolution

While the specifics of Davido and Sophia’s situation remain private, Momodu’s call for a ceasefire offers a starting point for seeking a more constructive path forward. Here are some potential strategies for reaching a resolution:

  • Mediation: Engaging a neutral third party to facilitate communication can help de-escalate tensions and guide the couple towards a mutually agreeable solution.
  • Legal Representation: If legal matters are involved, involving lawyers can ensure that both parties’ rights are protected and a fair agreement is reached.
  • Focus on Co-Parenting: Despite personal differences, a shared commitment to raising their child in a healthy and supportive environment is vital.

Ultimately, the hope is that Davido and Sophia can find a way to move beyond their online feud and prioritize the well-being of their child. Momodu’s intervention serves as a reminder: social media can be a powerful tool, but it’s up to us to use it responsibly and choose peace over conflict.


Yetty is an entertainment blogger with skin in the game. She knows her way around the industry and thrives to promote and share binge-worthy contents. She is one of the best bloggers out there.


  1. Pingback: War Of Words: Davido And Sophia Momodu Clash Over Custody Battle The Hype Naija

  2. Pingback: Hearts Divided: Davido Offers Up Custody In Emotional Social Media Outburst The Hype Naija

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