Former Nigerian President, Dr. Goodluck Jonathan, has issued a strong call to action for the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC). In a keynote address delivered at the first Niger Delta Stakeholders Forum held in Port Harcourt on July 5, 2024, Dr. Jonathan urged the Commission to prioritize the completion of numerous abandoned infrastructural projects across the Niger Delta region.

A Legacy of Neglect: The Plight of Abandoned Projects

The Niger Delta, the heartland of Nigeria’s oil wealth, has long grappled with the paradox of immense resource wealth alongside widespread poverty and underdevelopment. The NDDC, established in 2000, was tasked with addressing this disparity by facilitating sustainable development projects in the region. However, the Commission has been plagued by allegations of corruption, mismanagement, and a concerning number of unfinished projects.

These abandoned projects represent a significant waste of resources and a broken promise to the people of the Niger Delta. Half-built roads, schools, and hospitals stand as stark reminders of unfulfilled potential, hindering development and perpetuating a sense of neglect.

Dr. Jonathan’s Call for Action: Prioritization and Transparency

Dr. Jonathan, a native son of the Niger Delta, emphasized the urgency of addressing this issue. He called on the NDDC to shift its focus towards completing existing projects before embarking on new ones. “NDDC must stop the issue of abandoned projects,” he declared. NDDC should be able to manage and maintain the projects they have implemented, especially roads. These roads after completion should be handed over to the states so the state government can maintain them instead of allowing them to decay.

The former President also stressed the importance of transparency in the Commission’s operations. He urged stakeholders, including politicians, to avoid undue interference that could hinder the NDDC’s effectiveness. “Stakeholders and politicians in the region, we shouldn’t overstress the NDDC, so that the agency can perform,” he advised.

Dr. Jonathan’s call for action comes amidst growing public frustration with the NDDC’s performance. Several high-profile audits have revealed financial mismanagement and questionable contract awards. The sense of a broken promise regarding development in the Niger Delta is palpable.

Beyond Completion: A Look Towards Sustainable Development

While completing abandoned projects is crucial, Dr. Jonathan also recognized the need for a more comprehensive approach to development in the Niger Delta. He urged the NDDC to move beyond oil dependence and explore avenues for sustainable development.

“The world is fast moving away from hydrocarbons,” he noted. NDDC must focus on developing the Niger Delta region beyond hydrocarbons.” He suggested exploring possibilities in agriculture and industrialization, potentially in collaboration with the Bank of Industry.

This shift in focus aligns with growing global concerns about climate change and the diminishing role of fossil fuels. Investing in sustainable development initiatives could create long-term economic opportunities for the region and lessen its dependence on a finite resource.

Challenges and Opportunities: The Road Ahead for the NDDC

The NDDC faces a significant challenge in responding to Dr. Jonathan’s call to action. Completing abandoned projects requires resources, effective planning, and a commitment to transparency. Shifting focus towards sustainable development necessitates strategic partnerships, investment in new sectors, and a willingness to adapt to a changing economic landscape.

However, Dr. Jonathan’s speech also presents an opportunity. The reinstatement of a development agenda focused on the Niger Delta’s long-term well-being could garner renewed public trust and support. Collaboration with stakeholders, including state governments and the private sector, will be essential for success.

The Niger Delta Stakeholders Forum itself represents a positive step. Open dialogue and a shared vision for the region’s future are crucial for ensuring that the NDDC fulfills its mandate effectively.

Conclusion: A Beacon of Hope for the Niger Delta

Dr. Goodluck Jonathan’s call to action has resonated across the Niger Delta. The completion of abandoned projects, a commitment to transparency, and a shift towards sustainable development offer a potential roadmap for the NDDC to regain public trust and deliver meaningful progress for the region.

While challenges remain, the renewed focus on development holds the promise of a brighter future for the Niger Delta, a future where its vast resources translate into tangible benefits for its people and a more sustainable and diversified economy.


Yetty is an entertainment blogger with skin in the game. She knows her way around the industry and thrives to promote and share binge-worthy contents. She is one of the best bloggers out there.

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