A recent social media post by Nigerian actress Destiny Etiko has ignited a firestorm of controversy in Kenya. The post, which seemingly mocked the ongoing protests against the country’s controversial Finance Bill, has sparked outrage and accusations of insensitivity.

A Controversial Post Ignites a Debate

Etiko, known for her roles in Nollywood films, took to her social media platform on June 23rd, 2024, to express her frustration with the ongoing protests in Kenya. She lamented the financial strain placed on wealthy men in contemporary relationships, particularly mentioning the difficulties faced by men who shower their partners with expensive gifts.

While the post didn’t explicitly mention Kenya, the timing coincided with widespread protests against the proposed Finance Bill, which many Kenyans perceived as placing an unfair burden on ordinary citizens. This context led many Kenyan users to interpret Etiko’s remarks as insensitive and dismissive of their struggles.

“Endangered Species”: A Phrase Sparks Fury

Etiko’s use of the phrase “endangered species” to describe wealthy men further fueled the fire. Kenyans saw it as a trivialization of their genuine concerns about the rising cost of living and the impact of the proposed bill. The comment section of Etiko’s post was flooded with criticism, with many users accusing her of being out of touch and lacking empathy.

A Call for Clarification and Apology

The backlash on social media was swift and intense. Kenyan celebrities, journalists, and ordinary citizens alike called out Etiko for her insensitive post. The hashtag #EndangeredMen trended on Twitter, but with a tone far different from what Etiko might have intended. Kenyans used the hashtag to highlight the struggles of ordinary people, not wealthy men.

Faced with the mounting criticism, Etiko initially attempted to defend her post. She claimed she was unaware of the protests in Kenya and simply expressing her general observations about relationships. However, the public outcry continued, prompting her to eventually take down the post and issue an apology.

Beyond the Apology: A Conversation About Privilege

Etiko’s apology, while acknowledging the misunderstanding, failed to fully address the underlying issues. The incident sparked a broader conversation about privilege and the disconnect between celebrities and the everyday struggles of ordinary people. Many Kenyans questioned Nollywood’s understanding of their socio-economic realities.

Social Media: A Double-Edged Sword

The incident also highlights the double-edged sword of social media. While it allows celebrities to connect with fans globally, it also exposes them to immediate criticism for insensitive remarks. The speed and reach of social media can turn a seemingly harmless post into a PR nightmare.

Lessons Learned: Empathy and Context Matter

Destiny Etiko’s experience serves as a cautionary tale for celebrities venturing into unfamiliar territories, both physically and virtually. Understanding the context and cultural nuances of different regions is crucial before making potentially insensitive remarks. Empathy and a willingness to listen are key to avoiding such controversies in the future.

Looking Ahead: A Bridge Between Cultures

The Etiko incident, though controversial, also presents an opportunity for cultural exchange. Nollywood’s immense popularity in Kenya can be leveraged to foster understanding and bridge the gap between the two countries. Nigerian celebrities can use their platforms to promote awareness about Kenyan issues, while Kenyan audiences can broaden their understanding of Nigerian perspectives.

The road to true understanding may be long and winding, but open communication and a willingness to learn from each other can pave the way for a more respectful and interconnected future between Nigerian and Kenyan cultures.


Ade is consistent in the world of politics, tech and entertainment. He is really updated on the recent happenings in the world and has a skin in the game.

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