A Call for Digital Mindfulness

LAGOS – May 13, 2024 – Nollywood actress Sharon Ooja has sparked a conversation about social media wellbeing with a thought-provoking message on her Instagram page. In a post titled “Protect Your Peace,” Ooja urged followers to prioritize their mental health by unfollowing accounts that trigger negative emotions.

The Viral Message

Ooja’s message, a powerful blend of self-care advice and social media savvy, reads: “It is a spiritual problem to follow someone you don’t like and then be triggered by their posts. Protect your peace. Unfollow freely. Curate your social media to uplift and inspire you, not bring you down.

Resonating with Reality

This blunt yet insightful statement has resonated with many Nigerians struggling with the often-toxic nature of social media. The pressure to maintain a perfect online persona and the constant barrage of negativity can take a toll on mental well-being. Ooja’s message encourages users to take control of their online experience by being mindful of who they follow and what content they consume.

Curating for Spiritual Well-being

The concept of “curating” one’s social media feed is not new, but Ooja’s framing of it as a spiritual act adds a fresh perspective. It emphasizes the importance of protecting one’s inner peace and prioritizing mental well-being in the often-chaotic digital world.

“Social media can be a breeding ground for negativity and toxic energy,” Ooja explained. By carefully curating our feeds, we create a positive space that nourishes our souls and uplifts our spirits.”

A Wave of Reactions

Ooja’s message has sparked a wave of reactions online. Many fans have expressed their appreciation for her honesty and vulnerability. Comments like “Thank you for reminding us to prioritize our mental health” and “Social media can be draining sometimes. Unfollowing is self-care!” highlight the positive impact of Ooja’s words.

Dissenting Views: Echo Chambers or Respectful Dialogue?

However, not everyone agrees with Ooja’s stance. Some argue that unfollowing dissenting voices creates echo chambers and hinders exposure to diverse viewpoints. They believe engaging in respectful dialogue, even with those you disagree with, is a more productive approach.

Adebayo Adeyemi, a social media strategist, expressed this view: “While I understand the need for self-care, unfollowing everyone who disagrees with you can lead to a narrow worldview. We should strive to engage in respectful discourse and challenge our perspectives.”

Finding Balance in the Digital Age

This debate underscores the complexities of navigating social media in a healthy way. Striking a balance between exposure to diverse views and protecting oneself from negativity is crucial. Ooja’s message doesn’t advocate for complete isolation; it simply encourages users to be mindful of the content they consume and prioritize their mental well-being.

“It’s about finding what works for you,” Ooja clarified. “For some, unfollowing toxic accounts is necessary self-care. For others, engaging in respectful dialogue is more beneficial. The key is being intentional about your social media experience.”

Considerations for a Mindful Digital Life

Ooja’s message has inspired a broader conversation about cultivating a healthy relationship with social media. Here are some key considerations:

Digital Detox

Regular breaks from social media can be beneficial for mental health. Taking time away allows users to de-stress, recharge, and return with a fresh perspective. “Sometimes, you need to step away from the online world and reconnect with the present moment,” advised Ooja.

Following with Intention

Be mindful of who you follow and why. Choose accounts that inspire, uplift, and motivate you, rather than those that generate negativity or envy. “Curate your feed to align with your values and goals,” Ooja suggested.

Open Dialogue vs. Negativity

Engage in respectful dialogue with those who hold different viewpoints. However, there’s a difference between healthy debate and negativity. Learn to identify and avoid toxic online interactions. “Respectful disagreement can be enriching, but negativity is draining,” Ooja cautioned.

Boundaries and Self-Compassion

Set boundaries for your social media usage and be compassionate with yourself. If an account or interaction is causing undue stress, it’s okay to step back or unfollow. “Your mental health should always come first,” Ooja emphasized.

A Catalyst for Mindful Connection

Sharon Ooja’s message is a timely reminder that social media is a tool, and like any tool, it needs to be used responsibly. By prioritizing self-care and curating a positive online experience, users can leverage the power of social media for good, fostering connections, promoting creativity, and uplifting themselves and others. Whether you agree with her entirely or not, Ooja’s message has undoubtedly started a conversation that will hopefully lead to a more mindful and positive online environment for all.


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