Broadcast journalist Serwaa Amihere has been cleared of any misconduct following a private investigation launched by her employer, EIB Network, owners of GHOne Television. The investigation stemmed from a viral video showing Amihere with a man identified as Henry Fitz, which sparked online speculation and accusations.

EIB Network Conducts Investigation

In April 2024, an intimate video featuring Amihere circulated on social media. The video, reportedly filmed in 2019, drew significant online attention with claims suggesting it involved infidelity on Fitz’s part. EIB Network responded swiftly, condemning the sharing of the private video and vowing to protect Amihere’s privacy.

Following these initial pronouncements, EIB Network announced a thorough and impartial investigation into the circumstances surrounding the video’s release. The network committed to making the findings public upon completion of the investigation.

Investigation Concludes: No Misconduct by Amihere

On July 5, 2024, EIB Network issued a press release detailing the findings of the investigation. The statement declared, “At the end of a thorough and impartial investigation, the committee found no form of misconduct or breaches on the part of Serwaa Amihere in the circulation of the said video.”

This finding effectively exonerates Amihere from any wrongdoing related to the video’s leak. The press release further emphasized EIB Network’s commitment to “cooperating with authorities to ensure justice is served.” This suggests the network might be pursuing legal action against those responsible for the video’s release.

Police Charge Three Individuals

It’s important to note that the Ghana Police Service took action even before the EIB Network investigation concluded. Back in April, the police filed charges against three individuals accused of sharing Amihere’s intimate video. These charges likely fall under Ghana’s cybercrime laws, which criminalize the unauthorized publication of private or sensitive electronic information.

The identities of the charged individuals haven’t been made public. However, their prosecution demonstrates a potential shift in how Ghanaian authorities handle cases of revenge porn and non-consensual sharing of intimate videos.

Amihere Offers Apology

Despite being cleared of any wrongdoing, Serwaa Amihere issued a public apology in the wake of the scandal. While the exact wording of the apology remains unavailable, it’s believed she expressed regret for the incident and its impact on all parties involved.

This apology has drawn mixed reactions. Some observers view it as unnecessary, given that Amihere was the victim of a privacy violation. Others believe it demonstrates Amihere’s professionalism and desire to move forward.

Impact on Amihere’s Career

The viral video undoubtedly cast a shadow over Amihere’s career. However, with EIB Network’s backing and the investigation’s findings, she appears poised to continue her journalistic work.

It remains to be seen whether the scandal will have any lasting impact on her public image or career opportunities. However, Amihere’s strong reputation and the network’s support suggest she can overcome this hurdle.

Importance of Consent and Privacy

The Serwaa Amihere case serves as a stark reminder of the importance of consent in intimate relationships and the sanctity of personal privacy. Sharing intimate videos without the consent of all involved individuals constitutes a serious violation and can have significant legal and personal consequences.

The Ghanaian authorities’ decision to press charges against those who shared Amihere’s video sends a strong message of deterrence. It’s vital that such actions continue to discourage the circulation of non-consensual intimate content.

Addressing Revenge Porn and Online Harassment

The Amihere case also highlights the prevalence of revenge porn and online harassment, particularly targeting women in the media. These issues require a multifaceted approach involving legal frameworks, public education, and a shift in societal attitudes towards online privacy.

It’s crucial for social media platforms to take a more proactive role in identifying and removing non-consensual intimate content. Additionally, individuals need to be more responsible about what they share online and understand the potential consequences of their actions.

Conclusion: A Step Towards Justice

Serwaa Amihere’s case offers a glimmer of hope in the fight against online privacy violations and revenge porn. While the full impact of the case is yet to be seen, it represents a positive step towards protecting individuals’ privacy and holding those accountable for their actions.

This incident underscores the ongoing need for stricter laws, responsible social media practices, and a cultural shift that prioritizes consent and respect for online privacy.


Yetty is an entertainment blogger with skin in the game. She knows her way around the industry and thrives to promote and share binge-worthy contents. She is one of the best bloggers out there.

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