The Nigerian entertainment industry has been abuzz with rumors of a brewing feud between Temi, the husband of actress Scarlet Gomez, and actress Efa Iwara. The controversy erupted after the release of a new film in which Efa Iwara is portrayed as Scarlet Gomez’s fictional husband. Temi has publicly expressed his displeasure with the casting choice, accusing Efa Iwara of crossing a line.

The film is a romantic drama that explores themes of love, loss, and betrayal. In the film, Efa Iwara plays the role of a successful businessman who falls in love with a struggling artist, played by Scarlet Gomez. The two characters eventually marry and have a child together.

Temi’s Reaction

Temi, who has been married to Scarlet Gomez for several years, took to social media to express his dissatisfaction with the film’s portrayal of his wife’s marriage. He accused Efa Iwara of crossing a line by playing the role of his wife’s husband in the film. Temi’s statement quickly went viral, sparking a heated debate among fans and industry insiders.

Efa Iwara has not yet issued a public statement in response to Temi’s accusations. However, her representatives have indicated that she is aware of the controversy and is considering her options.

The Ethics of Filmmaking

The controversy surrounding the film has raised questions about the ethics of filmmaking and the use of real-life couples in fictional narratives. Some argue that actors should be free to take on any role they choose, while others believe that there are certain boundaries that should be respected.

The controversy has undoubtedly generated publicity for the film, but it remains to be seen whether it will have a negative impact on its commercial success. Some viewers may be hesitant to watch the film due to the controversy, while others may be more intrigued.

The Future of the Feud

It is unclear whether the feud between Temi and Efa Iwara will escalate or whether a resolution can be reached. The situation is likely to continue to generate interest and speculation in the Nigerian entertainment industry.

Social media has played a significant role in amplifying the controversy. Both Temi and Efa Iwara have large followings on social media, and their statements have been widely shared and discussed. The power of social media to shape public opinion cannot be underestimated.


The feud between Temi and Efa Iwara is a reminder of the complex and often controversial nature of the entertainment industry. While the controversy surrounding the film may be short-lived, it raises important questions about the ethics of filmmaking and the use of real-life couples in fictional narratives. As the situation unfolds, it will be interesting to see how the controversy impacts the careers of both Temi and Efa Iwara.


Yetty is an entertainment blogger with skin in the game. She knows her way around the industry and thrives to promote and share binge-worthy contents. She is one of the best bloggers out there.

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