Veteran Nigerian music producer, Olumide Ogunade, better known as ID Cabasa, ignited a firestorm of debate with his recent comments regarding the purpose of marriage. In an interview with Echoo Room, Cabasa boldly claimed that the true essence of marriage has been lost in modern society.

Challenging Traditional Views

Cabasa argues that the primary function of marriage, as outlined in the Bible, is procreation – to “multiply and dominate the earth.” He asserts that happiness and emotional fulfillment are secondary benefits that naturally arise when a couple aligns with this purpose.

“The purpose of marriage, unfortunately, has been lost,” Cabasa stated. “I would say the purpose was not to give you happiness or satisfy your feelings.”

His comments directly challenge the increasingly popular view of marriage as a union built on romantic love and emotional compatibility. This perspective, often championed by younger generations, prioritizes personal happiness and fulfillment within a marriage.

God, Man, Woman, Children: A Hierarchical Structure

Cabasa further emphasizes a specific hierarchical structure within marriage, drawing heavily on his interpretation of biblical teachings. He positions God at the head, followed by the man as the leader of the family, and then the woman.

“In the place of marriage there is God, the man and then there is the woman and the kids,” Cabasa explained. “The man reports to God and the woman submits to the man, not surrender.”

This hierarchical view has been met with mixed reactions, particularly from those who advocate for gender equality within marriage. Some listeners interpret Cabasa’s words as promoting a potentially outdated and patriarchal system.

Beyond Procreation: Modern Views on Marriage

Cabasa’s comments stand in stark contrast to the evolving definition of marriage in contemporary society. Today, many couples choose to remain child-free or delay parenthood. Love, companionship, and emotional support are increasingly seen as central pillars of a successful marriage.

The rise of same-sex marriage further broadens the definition, challenging traditional notions of procreation and gender roles within marriage.

Is Happiness a Byproduct or a Core Value?

Cabasa’s assertion that happiness is a mere byproduct of fulfilling the “purpose” of marriage raises questions. Many argue that happiness and emotional well-being should be a core value within a marital union.

Opponents of Cabasa’s view believe that prioritizing procreation above all else can lead to marriages built on obligation rather than genuine love and connection.

The Evolving Landscape of Marriage

The debate surrounding ID Cabasa’s comments reflects the ongoing conversation about the purpose and structure of marriage in a rapidly changing world.

While some may find comfort in traditional views, others push for a more flexible and inclusive approach that prioritizes individual choice and personal fulfillment.

Beyond Religion: Diverse Perspectives on Marriage

It’s important to acknowledge that Cabasa’s views are heavily influenced by his religious beliefs. Many cultures and religions hold diverse perspectives on marriage, often emphasizing different values and goals.

Understanding these diverse viewpoints is crucial for fostering a more inclusive discussion about the purpose of marriage.

The Role of the Media in Shaping Public Perception

The media plays a significant role in shaping public perception of marriage. Reality TV shows and celebrity marriages often portray a romanticized and unrealistic picture, potentially contributing to unrealistic expectations.

Promoting a more nuanced and realistic portrayal of marriage, encompassing its challenges alongside the rewards, could be beneficial for aspiring couples.

Open Communication: Key to a Healthy Marriage

Regardless of one’s stance on the purpose of marriage, open communication and shared values are widely acknowledged as essential ingredients for a healthy and fulfilling union.

Couples who openly discuss their expectations and goals for marriage are better equipped to navigate challenges and build a lasting partnership.

Finding Common Ground: Balancing Tradition and Modernity

The conversation sparked by ID Cabasa’s comments serves as a valuable opportunity to re-evaluate and redefine the purpose of marriage in the 21st century.

Finding common ground may require a balance between respecting traditional values and embracing the evolving needs and aspirations of modern couples.

Ultimately, the purpose of marriage remains a personal choice, informed by individual beliefs, values, and cultural contexts.


Yetty is an entertainment blogger with skin in the game. She knows her way around the industry and thrives to promote and share binge-worthy contents. She is one of the best bloggers out there.

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