The Federal Government (FG) has issued a stern warning against foreign interference in the ongoing protests that have rocked the nation. The government, while acknowledging the rights of citizens to peaceful assembly and protest, has unequivocally stated its determination to maintain law and order.

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Yusuf Tuggar, in a briefing to the diplomatic corps, emphasized Nigeria’s commitment to cordial international relations. However, he made it clear that the government would not tolerate any external influence that undermines national sovereignty or destabilizes the country.

We are aware of certain foreign actors who have been attempting to manipulate the situation for their selfish interests,” Minister Tuggar stated. Let it be known that Nigeria is a sovereign nation and we will not hesitate to take necessary measures to protect our territorial integrity and the well-being of our citizens.

The FG has called on foreign governments and international organizations to respect Nigeria’s internal affairs and refrain from making inflammatory statements that could exacerbate the situation. The government has also urged Nigerians to be wary of misinformation and disinformation being spread through social media platforms.

Protestors Demand Economic Reforms, Good Governance

The protests, which began as a youth-led movement against police brutality and bad governance, have since broadened to encompass a wide range of socio-economic issues. Protestors are demanding an end to corruption, improved access to education and healthcare, and job creation.

The government has acknowledged the legitimate grievances of the protesters and has promised to address them through dialogue and reforms. However, it has also warned against allowing the protests to be hijacked by unscrupulous elements.

We understand the frustrations of our young people,” said Minister of Information and Culture, Lai Mohammed. This government is committed to creating a better future for all Nigerians. However, we cannot allow the legitimate demands of the protesters to be overshadowed by violence and destruction.”

Security Forces Maintain Vigilance

The security forces have been deployed to various parts of the country to maintain law and order. While there have been reports of clashes between protesters and security personnel, the government has insisted that the security forces have acted with restraint.

The Inspector-General of Police, Mohammed Adamu, has urged protesters to remain peaceful and to avoid engaging in acts of vandalism. He has also warned that the security forces will not hesitate to use force if necessary to protect lives and property.

International Community Calls for Dialogue

The international community has expressed concern over the situation in Nigeria and has called for a peaceful resolution to the crisis. Several countries and organizations have offered to mediate between the government and the protesters.

The United States, the United Kingdom, and the European Union have all condemned the violence that has accompanied the protests. They have also called on the Nigerian government to respect the rights of protesters and to engage in meaningful dialogue.

The African Union has also expressed its solidarity with the people of Nigeria and has called for a peaceful resolution to the crisis. The AU has urged the government and the protesters to engage in constructive dialogue to address the underlying issues that have led to the protests.

Economic Impact of Protests

The protests have had a significant impact on the Nigerian economy. Businesses have been disrupted, and investors have become wary of putting their money into the country. The Nigerian Stock Exchange has also experienced a decline in value.

The government has acknowledged the economic impact of the protests but has insisted that the long-term benefits of addressing the underlying issues will outweigh the short-term costs.

Way Forward

The protests in Nigeria are a wake-up call for the government. They have highlighted the deep-seated problems that the country faces, including poverty, inequality, and corruption.

The government must now take decisive action to address these problems. This includes implementing reforms to improve governance, creating jobs, and investing in education and healthcare.

The government must also engage in genuine dialogue with the protesters. The demands of the protesters are legitimate, and the government must be willing to listen and respond.

It is important to note that the protests are not just about Nigeria. They are part of a global movement of young people who are demanding a better future.

The Nigerian government must be mindful of this global context and must work with the international community to find solutions to the challenges facing the country.

The future of Nigeria is at stake. The government must act decisively and responsibly to address the issues that have led to the protests.

The world is watching.


Yetty is an entertainment blogger with skin in the game. She knows her way around the industry and thrives to promote and share binge-worthy contents. She is one of the best bloggers out there.

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