Popular Nigerian singer Portable has garnered widespread praise for his recent community service initiative in the Sango area of Ogun State. The singer, known for his energetic stage performances and controversial antics, has taken it upon himself to repair a dilapidated road in the community, earning him the admiration of residents and fans alike.

Portable’s decision to embark on the road repair project came as a surprise to many, given his often flamboyant and controversial public persona. However, the singer has explained that he was motivated by a desire to give back to his community and make a positive impact on the lives of its residents.

The road in Sango, which had been in a state of disrepair for many years, had become a major hazard for motorists and pedestrians. The potholes and uneven surfaces made it difficult to navigate, leading to frequent accidents and traffic congestion.

Portable and his team mobilized resources to repair the road, which included leveling the surface, filling in potholes, and applying a new layer of asphalt. The project was completed in a relatively short period, and the road is now in much better condition than it was before.

Residents of Sango have expressed their gratitude to Portable for his efforts. They have praised him for his selflessness and his commitment to improving the lives of his community. Many have said that his actions have restored their faith in public figures and have inspired them to give back to their own communities.

Portable’s road repair initiative has also garnered praise from government officials and community leaders. They have commended him for his positive impact on the community and have urged other public figures to follow his example.

The singer’s actions have also had a positive impact on his own image. His reputation has been tarnished in recent years due to his controversial behavior, but his road repair efforts have helped to restore his credibility and improve his public image.

Portable’s decision to repair the road in Sango is a testament to the power of community service. It is a reminder that even the most unlikely people can make a positive difference in the world.

Portable’s Community Service Initiatives

This is not the first time Portable has been involved in community service initiatives. In the past, he has donated food and clothing to needy families, and he has also supported various charitable causes.

The singer’s commitment to giving back to his community is a testament to his character. It is a reminder that despite his controversial public persona, he is a human being who cares about the welfare of others.

The Importance of Community Service

Portable’s road repair initiative is a reminder of the importance of community service. When individuals come together to make a positive difference in their communities, they can create a ripple effect that has a lasting impact.

Community service can take many forms, from volunteering at a local food bank to organizing a community clean-up. It is a way for individuals to give back to their communities and make a difference in the lives of others.


Portable’s road repair efforts in Sango are a testament to the power of community service. The singer’s decision to give back to his community has earned him widespread praise and has inspired others to follow his example.

Portable’s actions are a reminder that even the most unlikely people can make a positive difference in the world. By coming together as a community, we can create a better future for everyone.


Yetty is an entertainment blogger with skin in the game. She knows her way around the industry and thrives to promote and share binge-worthy contents. She is one of the best bloggers out there.

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