As the nationwide demonstrations against the economic hardships continue to gather momentum, Port Harcourt, the Rivers State capital, remains a focal point for the protest movement. On the third day of the protests, demonstrators converged once again at Pleasure Park, a popular recreational area, to voice their grievances and demand a reversal of government policies.

A Cross-Section of Society

The crowd at Pleasure Park represented a diverse cross-section of society, with people from different walks of life coming together under a shared cause. Students, young professionals, artisans, and market women were among those who turned out to participate in the protests. Their placards bore messages highlighting the economic challenges facing Nigerians, including the soaring cost of living, fuel scarcity, and unemployment.

Core Demands

The protesters’ demands remained consistent with those expressed in other parts of the country. They called for the immediate reversal of the fuel subsidy removal, reduction in the prices of essential commodities, and improved governance. The demonstrators emphasized that the current economic situation was unsustainable and that urgent measures were needed to alleviate the suffering of ordinary Nigerians.

Peaceful Demonstrations

Despite the growing frustration among the populace, the protests in Port Harcourt have remained largely peaceful. The demonstrators adhered to the principles of non-violence, chanting slogans and singing songs while carrying placards. There were no reports of clashes with security forces or acts of vandalism.

Security Presence

A significant security presence was observed at the Pleasure Park, with police officers deployed to monitor the situation and ensure public safety. While the protesters and security personnel maintained a cordial relationship, tensions occasionally flared up as the demonstrators attempted to expand their protest area.

Impact on Daily Life

The ongoing protests have had a noticeable impact on daily life in Port Harcourt. Businesses in the vicinity of Pleasure Park have been affected, with some choosing to close temporarily to avoid potential disruptions. Traffic congestion has also increased as protesters blocked some roads to draw attention to their cause.

Government Response

The Rivers State government has yet to issue a formal statement regarding the protests. However, there have been calls from government officials urging the protesters to remain peaceful and engage in dialogue. Some officials have also attributed the economic challenges to global factors beyond the government’s control.

The Road Ahead

As the protests enter their third day, it remains unclear how long the demonstrations will continue. The protesters have shown a determination to persist until their demands are met, while the government faces increasing pressure to address the underlying issues. The outcome of this standoff will have far-reaching implications for the nation.


Yetty is an entertainment blogger with skin in the game. She knows her way around the industry and thrives to promote and share binge-worthy contents. She is one of the best bloggers out there.

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