An audacious attempt to impersonate a lecturer and steal mobile phones from unsuspecting freshmen at the Federal College of Education (FCE) Bichi in Kano State, Nigeria, has been thwarted. The suspect, identified as Hafsoh Isiaq, was apprehended by vigilant students after raising suspicion during a fabricated lecture.

A Calculated Con: Targeting Vulnerable Freshers

The incident unfolded on a seemingly ordinary day at FCE Bichi. Hafsoh Isiaq, dressed to appear like a lecturer, entered a classroom filled with new students, commonly referred to as “freshers.” Projecting an air of authority, she claimed to be their new instructor and announced an impromptu test.

This tactic, often employed by legitimate lecturers to assess students’ preparedness, unfortunately provided Isiaq with an opportunity to execute her plan. As the freshers settled down with pens and notebooks, Isiaq allegedly instructed them to submit their mobile phones at the front of the class to prevent cheating during the test.

A Disrupted Deception: Freshers Wise Up

However, the freshers’ intuition proved to be their saving grace. The unusual request for phone collection during a surprise test raised red flags for some students. They exchanged questioning glances and whispered amongst themselves, creating a sense of unease in the classroom.

One particularly observant student decided to confront Isiaq directly. He politely questioned her credentials and the legitimacy of the impromptu test, particularly the unusual request for phone collection. This bold move disrupted Isiaq’s carefully constructed ruse.

The Net Closes In: Students Foil the Phone Grab

Facing scrutiny from the students, Isiaq’s facade began to crumble. Her fabricated story faltered, and she struggled to provide any legitimate identification or course materials. The students, now certain they were dealing with an impostor, decided to take action.

A group of students bravely confronted Isiaq, demanding an explanation for her presence and the suspicious phone collection request. Faced with a united front, Isiaq’s composure dissolved. She reportedly attempted to flee the classroom, but the alert students managed to apprehend her before she could escape.

Fake Lecturer Exposed: Authorities Called In

With the suspect detained, the students immediately contacted the college authorities. Security personnel arrived promptly and took Isiaq into custody. A preliminary investigation revealed that Isiaq had no affiliation with the college and was indeed an imposter.

The recovered mobile phones, which Isiaq had allegedly planned to steal, were returned to their relieved owners. The college administration expressed their gratitude to the students for their vigilance and swift action in apprehending the suspect.

A Wake-Up Call: Freshers Urged to Stay Alert

The incident at FCE Bichi serves as a stark reminder for students, particularly freshers, to be cautious and aware of their surroundings. Falling prey to impersonation scams or deceptive tactics can have serious consequences.

The college administration has urged students to exercise caution when dealing with unfamiliar individuals. They have advised students to verify the credentials of any lecturer before handing over personal belongings or participating in unusual activities.

Beyond FCE Bichi: A National Issue

The FCE Bichi incident is not an isolated case. Impersonation scams targeting students and unsuspecting individuals are unfortunately a recurring issue in Nigeria. These scams often exploit the vulnerabilities of new students unfamiliar with the college environment.

Universities and colleges across the country need to implement stricter security measures and conduct awareness campaigns to educate students about potential scams. Encouraging open communication and fostering a culture of vigilance amongst students can help prevent similar incidents in the future.

The Power of Community: Students Take a Stand

The successful apprehension of Isiaq highlights the importance of a unified student community. The freshers at FCE Bichi displayed remarkable courage and resourcefulness in confronting the imposter. Their actions not only protected themselves but also prevented others from becoming victims.

This incident underscores the power of collective vigilance. When students are aware of their surroundings and communicate potential threats, they can create a strong defense against criminal activity within educational institutions.

Looking Ahead: Lessons Learned and College Security Measures

The FCE Bichi incident serves as a cautionary tale for both students and educational institutions. Students must remain vigilant and exercise caution when dealing with unfamiliar individuals. Colleges and universities need to prioritize robust security measures and proactive education campaigns to create a safe learning environment for all.

The swift response by the FCE Bichi students and the prompt action taken by the college authorities offer a positive example. By working together, students and educational institutions can create a safer and more secure learning environment for future generations.

The attempted phone theft at FCE Bichi may have been a foiled attempt, but it serves as a stark reminder of the importance of vigilance and collective action. It highlights the need for continuous dialogue between students and college administration to ensure a safe and secure learning environment for all.

Here are some additional points to consider:

  • Police Investigation and Potential Charges: The news article hasn’t mentioned the legal repercussions for Isiaq. It would be beneficial to include a brief mention of the police investigation and the potential charges she might face.

  • Student Support Services: The article could also highlight the availability of support services for students who might feel targeted or vulnerable after this incident. Having access to counselors or student support groups can be crucial for students dealing with the emotional impact of such an event.

  • Long-Term Security Measures: The news article mentions the need for stricter security measures. It would be interesting to explore what specific measures FCE Bichi or other institutions might consider implementing to prevent similar incidents in the future. This could include requiring lecturers to wear ID badges, utilizing surveillance cameras in high-traffic areas, or conducting background checks on guest speakers.

  • National Dialogue on Student Safety: The FCE Bichi incident is a national issue. The article could conclude by calling for a broader discussion on student safety in Nigerian universities and colleges. This could involve collaboration between educational institutions, law enforcement agencies, and student unions to develop a comprehensive strategy for preventing impersonation scams and other criminal activities that target students.

By addressing these additional points, the news article can provide a more comprehensive picture of the situation, offering valuable insights for students, educational institutions, and policymakers working towards creating a safer learning environment for all.


Yetty is an entertainment blogger with skin in the game. She knows her way around the industry and thrives to promote and share binge-worthy contents. She is one of the best bloggers out there.

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