Parents of students attending boarding schools in Lagos State have staged a series of protests in response to a significant increase in fees for the upcoming academic session. The fee hike, which has been described as “unjustifiable” and “insensitive” by parents, has sparked widespread outrage and concerns about the affordability of education in the state.

The protests began shortly after the Lagos State Ministry of Education announced the new fee structure. Parents from various boarding schools, including Lagos Model Colleges and Eva Adelaja Girls Grammar School, have gathered outside school premises to voice their opposition to the fee increase.

One parent, Mrs. Adeola Olaniyan, expressed her frustration with the decision. This fee hike is simply too much for many families to bear,” she said. “We are already struggling to make ends meet, and this additional burden will only exacerbate our financial challenges.”

The parents’ grievances are centered around the steep percentage increase in the boarding fees. While the exact figures vary slightly between schools, many parents have reported that the fees have doubled or even tripled. This sharp rise has made it difficult for many families to afford the cost of sending their children to boarding school.

In addition to the financial strain, parents are also concerned about the impact of the fee hike on the quality of education. They argue that the increase should be accompanied by significant improvements in facilities, infrastructure, and teaching standards. However, many parents have expressed doubts about whether the additional funds will be used effectively.

The Lagos State Government has defended the fee hike, stating that it is necessary to improve the quality of education in public schools. The government has also emphasized that the fees are still below those charged by private boarding schools.

However, parents have dismissed these arguments, pointing out that many families choose public boarding schools as a more affordable alternative to private institutions. They argue that the government should be striving to make education more accessible, rather than imposing additional financial burdens on parents.

The protests have also highlighted the growing disparity in education access in Lagos State. While some families can afford the increased fees, others are facing the prospect of being forced to withdraw their children from boarding schools. This could have a significant impact on their educational outcomes and future prospects.

In response to the protests, the Lagos State Government has promised to review the fee structure and engage with parents to find a solution. However, parents remain skeptical about the government’s intentions and have vowed to continue their protests until their demands are met.

The fee hike controversy has reignited debates about the affordability of education in Nigeria. While the government has made significant strides in improving access to education, there are still many challenges to be overcome. The protests by parents in Lagos State serve as a reminder of the ongoing struggle for quality and affordable education in the country.


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