The Osun State House of Assembly has successfully concluded the screening process for the nominees for the governing board chairman and corps commander of the state’s security network, Amotekun. The legislators confirmed the appointments of retired Brigadier Generals Isa Aderibigbe and Bashir Adewimbi as Chairman and Corps Commander, respectively, on July 23rd, 2020.

This appointment signifies a crucial step towards bolstering security efforts in Osun State. This article delves deeper into the details of the appointments, explores the qualifications of the new leadership, and analyzes the potential impact on Amotekun’s effectiveness.

A Strong Foundation: Experienced Leadership for Amotekun

The appointments of retired Brigadier Generals Aderibigbe and Adewimbi bring a wealth of experience and expertise to the Amotekun leadership team. Here’s a closer look at their backgrounds:

  • Brig Gen (Rtd) Isa Aderibigbe (Chairman): Details about Brig Gen Aderibigbe’s specific military background haven’t been publicly disclosed. However, his experience as a retired brigadier general suggests extensive leadership and command experience within the Nigerian Armed Forces.
  • Brig Gen (Rtd) Bashir Adewimbi (Corps Commander): Similarly, specifics of Brig Gen Adewimbi’s military career remain unavailable. However, his prior service as a brigadier general indicates strong leadership qualities and a deep understanding of military strategy and tactics.

The Screening Process: Both nominees appeared before the Osun State House of Assembly for screening on July 23rd, 2020. The Speaker of the House, Hon. Timothy Owoeye, reportedly charged them to utilize their experience to effectively combat crime within the state.

The successful completion of the screening process suggests that the legislators were satisfied with the qualifications and proposed vision of the nominees for leading Amotekun.

Addressing Security Challenges: Amotekun’s Mandate

The establishment of Amotekun in the Western Nigerian region, including Osun State, was a response to the growing security concerns in the country. Amotekun primarily focuses on:

  • Curbing Crime: The security network aims to tackle various criminal activities within the state, including kidnapping, armed robbery, and cattle rustling.
  • Protecting Communities: Amotekun personnel play a crucial role in safeguarding rural communities and ensuring the safety of residents.
  • Intelligence Gathering: The network actively gathers intelligence on potential security threats and assists law enforcement agencies in their operations.

The effectiveness of Amotekun in fulfilling its mandate hinges on various factors, including strong leadership, proper training for personnel, and effective collaboration with other security agencies.

The Road Ahead: Challenges and Opportunities for Amotekun

The appointment of new leadership presents both challenges and opportunities for Amotekun in Osun State:


  • Building Trust: Amotekun, a relatively new initiative, needs to establish trust and cooperation with the communities it serves. Open communication and a commitment to human rights will be crucial.
  • Resource Constraints: Equipping and training Amotekun personnel adequately requires significant resources. The state government will need to ensure Amotekun has the necessary tools to function effectively.
  • Collaboration: Effective collaboration with the Nigerian Police Force and other security agencies will be essential in tackling complex security threats.


  • Improved Security: Strong leadership and a well-trained Amotekun force can significantly contribute to improved security across Osun State.
  • Community Engagement: Amotekun can foster closer ties with communities through proactive outreach programs. This can lead to better intelligence gathering and increased public support.
  • Regional Cooperation: Collaboration with Amotekun forces in neighboring states can facilitate a more coordinated approach to regional security challenges.

The success of Amotekun in Osun State will depend on how effectively the new leadership addresses these challenges and capitalizes on the available opportunities.

Conclusion: A Step Forward in Securing Osun State

The confirmation of Brig Gen (Rtd) Isa Aderibigbe and Brig Gen (Rtd) Bashir Adewimbi as Chairman and Corps Commander of Amotekun in Osun State signifies a positive step towards enhancing security within the state. Their extensive military experience provides a strong foundation for leadership. However, addressing resource constraints, building trust with communities, and fostering inter-agency collaboration will be crucial for Amotekun’s long-term success. As Amotekun evolves under its new leadership, its effectiveness in combating crime and protecting residents will be closely monitored.


Yetty is an entertainment blogger with skin in the game. She knows her way around the industry and thrives to promote and share binge-worthy contents. She is one of the best bloggers out there.

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