In a dramatic move that has sent shockwaves through the academic and professional circles, the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) has invalidated the certificates of 101 individuals who were fraudulently mobilized for national service by the University of Calabar (UNICAL) between 2021 and 2023. The scheme, which uncovered this massive fraud, has vowed to take stringent measures to ensure the integrity of the NYSC program.

A System Under Siege

The revelation of this fraudulent scheme has cast a shadow over the credibility of the NYSC program and raised concerns about the quality assurance mechanisms in place at tertiary institutions. It has also brought into question the authenticity of certificates issued by these institutions.

The NYSC, in a statement issued by its Director of Information and Public Relations, Eddy Megwa, expressed its unwavering commitment to ensuring that only qualified individuals are issued with NYSC certificates. The scheme has warned members of the public, including employers, government agencies, and other institutions, to be vigilant and verify the authenticity of NYSC certificates presented to them.

How the Fraud Was Uncovered

Details of how the NYSC uncovered this massive fraud are still sketchy, but sources within the scheme have hinted at a robust internal audit system that detected irregularities in the mobilization process. It is believed that the scheme’s intelligence unit played a crucial role in unraveling the conspiracy.

The NYSC has not disclosed the specific methods employed by the fraudsters, but it is suspected that they may have colluded with officials in UNICAL to manipulate the list of graduates eligible for mobilization. This raises serious questions about the level of oversight and accountability within the university system.

Impact on Affected Graduates

The revocation of the NYSC certificates of these 101 individuals will have far-reaching consequences for their careers. Many of them may have already secured employment based on these certificates, and the sudden invalidation could lead to job losses and reputational damage.

The affected graduates are likely to face legal and financial challenges as they seek to rectify the situation. Some may explore legal options to challenge the NYSC’s decision, while others may have to start their careers from scratch.

UNICAL Under Scrutiny

The University of Calabar is now under intense scrutiny following the NYSC’s revelations. The institution has come under fire for its alleged role in the fraud, and calls for a thorough investigation into the matter have grown louder.

The university management has yet to issue a statement on the matter, but it is expected to face mounting pressure to take disciplinary action against those involved in the fraud. The incident is likely to damage the reputation of the university and may lead to a decline in its admissions.

Strengthening the System

The NYSC has vowed to strengthen its verification processes to prevent similar occurrences in the future. The scheme is also considering introducing stricter penalties for institutions found to be involved in certificate fraud.

To enhance transparency and accountability, the NYSC may explore the possibility of publishing the names of graduates mobilized for national service on its website. This would enable employers and other stakeholders to easily verify the authenticity of certificates.

A Call for Reforms

The NYSC scandal highlights the urgent need for reforms in the Nigerian education system. There is a growing consensus that the system needs to be strengthened to prevent fraudulent activities and ensure the quality of education.

The government should invest in technology and human resources to improve the verification of academic credentials. Additionally, there is a need for stricter regulations governing the operations of tertiary institutions.


The NYSC’s decision to revoke the certificates of 101 fraudulently mobilized UNICAL graduates is a bold step that sends a strong message about the scheme’s commitment to upholding its integrity. However, this is just the tip of the iceberg, and more needs to be done to address the systemic issues that enabled this fraud to occur.

As the investigation into this matter unfolds, it is hoped that it will lead to significant reforms in the education sector and prevent similar incidents from happening in the future.


Yetty is an entertainment blogger with skin in the game. She knows her way around the industry and thrives to promote and share binge-worthy contents. She is one of the best bloggers out there.

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