Veteran Nollywood actor Kanayo O. Kanayo has ignited a firestorm of debate with his recent comments labeling men as “endangered species.” The remarks, made during a social media video, have sparked discussions about gender roles, financial dynamics, and the evolving landscape of relationships in Nigeria.

In the now-viral video, Kanayo, known for his portrayal of wealthy businessmen and scheming characters, lamented the financial pressure placed on men in contemporary relationships. He argued that women’s growing financial independence has shifted the power balance, making men feel less valued.

“These days, wealthy men are spending so much money on actresses,” Kanayo stated. “They are buying cars, houses…it’s like these men are endangered species.”

Kanayo’s comments have elicited a range of reactions. Some men have expressed agreement, resonating with the sentiment of feeling financially pressured in relationships. They argue that traditional gender roles, where men were expected to be the primary breadwinners, are being challenged without a corresponding shift in societal expectations.

However, a significant portion of the public, including many women, have taken issue with Kanayo’s remarks. They perceive the “endangered species” metaphor as dismissive of the struggles women face and a perpetuation of outdated gender norms.

Social media has become a battleground for these contrasting viewpoints. On Twitter, the hashtag #EndangeredMen trended, with many users expressing support for Kanayo’s viewpoint. However, #NotEndangeredJustEvolving countered this narrative. This hashtag highlighted the need for men to adapt to changing social and economic realities.

Relationship experts have weighed in on the debate, offering a more nuanced perspective. Aunty Lola, a renowned Lagos-based therapist, believes the conversation needs to move beyond simplistic labels.

The dynamic of relationships is indeed changing,” Aunty Lola stated in a recent interview with Punch Newspapers. “However, instead of focusing on who is endangered, we should be discussing healthy communication, emotional intelligence, and the ability to build partnerships based on mutual respect, not financial obligation.”

Beyond the immediate controversy, Kanayo’s comments raise important questions about the future of gender roles in Nigeria.

  • Shifting Economic Landscape: Women in Nigeria are increasingly achieving financial independence, driven by factors like access to education and entrepreneurial opportunities. This economic empowerment challenges the traditional dynamic where men are solely responsible for financial support.

  • Redefining Masculinity: Kanayo’s statement reflects a sense of unease amongst some men regarding their perceived loss of power. This necessitates a critical discussion about redefining masculinity in a way that embraces emotional vulnerability, shared responsibility, and a focus on building strong partnerships.

  • Communication and Negotiation: As societal norms shift, open communication and negotiation between partners become crucial. Couples need to discuss financial expectations, household responsibilities, and emotional needs to build relationships based on equality and mutual understanding.

Kanayo O. Kanayo’s controversial statement may have been intended as a lighthearted observation, but it has sparked a much-needed conversation about the evolving landscape of relationships in Nigeria. As the nation progresses, navigating these changes through open dialogue, respect, and a willingness to adapt will be key to fostering healthy and fulfilling partnerships for both men and women.


Ade is consistent in the world of politics, tech and entertainment. He is really updated on the recent happenings in the world and has a skin in the game.

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