The Nigerian film industry, fondly known as Nollywood, received a significant boost on June 25th, 2024, with the disbursement of the second tranche of the N10 billion Presidential Intervention Fund for the Creative Industry. This N5 billion injection aims to empower filmmakers, stimulate production, and further solidify Nollywood’s position as a global entertainment powerhouse.

A Commitment to Growth: The Presidential Intervention Fund

The Presidential Intervention Fund for the Creative Industry, launched in 2023, represents a landmark initiative by the Federal Government of Nigeria. Recognizing the immense potential of the creative sector, particularly Nollywood, the government established a N10 billion fund to be disbursed in two tranches. The first tranche of N5 billion was released in December 2023, and the recent disbursement marks the completion of the allocated funds.

The N5 Billion Breakdown: Empowering Diverse Voices

The N5 billion disbursement will be directed towards various initiatives designed to support filmmakers at different stages of production. A significant portion will be allocated to grants for script development, production, and post-production. These grants aim to empower aspiring and established filmmakers to bring their creative visions to life.

Furthermore, a portion of the funds will be directed towards training and capacity building programs. This includes workshops and seminars on various filmmaking aspects, such as directing, cinematography, editing, and special effects. By providing access to professional development opportunities, the initiative seeks to enhance the overall quality and professionalism of Nollywood productions.

Focus on Distribution and Exhibition

The N5 billion allocation also recognizes the importance of distribution and exhibition in a thriving film industry. A dedicated portion will be used to support the development and expansion of distribution channels, both domestically and internationally. This could include investments in film festivals, online streaming platforms, and cinema infrastructure development. By ensuring wider accessibility for Nollywood content, the initiative aims to expand the industry’s reach and audience base.

Reactions and Expectations: A Catalyst for Change

The disbursement of the N5 billion Creative Fund has been met with a wave of optimism within the Nollywood community. Filmmakers across the country see this as a significant step towards addressing long-standing challenges faced by the industry. Limited access to funding, inadequate infrastructure, and a lack of training opportunities have often hampered Nollywood’s ability to reach its full potential.

“This is a game-changer for Nollywood,” said renowned filmmaker Kemi Adetiba in a recent interview. “The access to funding will allow filmmakers to tell more diverse stories and experiment with new genres. The training programs will undoubtedly elevate the overall quality of Nigerian cinema.

However, some industry experts caution against unrealistic expectations. While the N5 billion represents a significant investment, it’s crucial to ensure transparency and accountability in the disbursement and utilization of the funds. Effective management and a clear vision for the fund’s impact are essential to maximize its positive effect on Nollywood.

Beyond the Funds: A Call for Long-Term Investment

The Creative Fund serves as a springboard for Nollywood’s continued growth. However, long-term sustainability requires a multi-pronged approach. Industry stakeholders recommend additional measures, including tax incentives for filmmakers, streamlined film production regulations, and collaborations with international partners.

A Global Stage for Nollywood Stories

Nollywood has already captured the world’s attention with its vibrant storytelling and captivating narratives. The Creative Fund injection, coupled with ongoing efforts to address industry challenges, has the potential to propel Nollywood to even greater heights. A well-funded, skilled, and innovative Nollywood can compete more effectively in the global film market, showcasing Nigerian talent and stories on a truly international stage.

The N5 billion disbursement marks a pivotal moment for Nollywood. It is a testament to the government’s recognition of the industry’s potential and a much-needed boost for its continued growth. With effective utilization of the funds, ongoing support, and a commitment to long-term investment, Nollywood is poised to solidify its place as a global cultural powerhouse, captivating audiences worldwide with its unique brand of storytelling.


Ade is consistent in the world of politics, tech and entertainment. He is really updated on the recent happenings in the world and has a skin in the game.

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