Nigerian actress Kehinde Bankole has sparked a much-needed conversation within the Nollywood industry, advocating for a shift away from relying on nudity and excessive kissing to tell compelling stories. In a recent interview, Bankole expressed her belief that these elements are often used as a shortcut to attract viewers, rather than as genuine storytelling tools.

Bankole’s statement comes at a time when the Nollywood industry has seen a surge in films featuring explicit content. While some argue that such content is reflective of societal trends and can be artistically justified, others contend that it perpetuates harmful stereotypes and objectifies women.

The Importance of Quality Storytelling

According to Bankole, the true measure of a good story lies in its ability to engage viewers on an emotional level. She emphasizes that well-crafted narratives, strong characters, and compelling plots are far more effective in capturing audiences’ attention than gratuitous content.

“Nudity and excessive kissing can be used tastefully in storytelling, but they should never be the sole focus,” Bankole stated. “When we prioritize these elements over substance, we risk creating shallow and unmemorable films.”

Bankole’s stance echoes the sentiments of many critics and viewers who have long called for a more diverse and nuanced approach to storytelling in Nollywood. By challenging the prevailing norms, Bankole is encouraging filmmakers to explore new and innovative ways to engage audiences.

The Impact of Explicit Content

While some argue that explicit content can be empowering and liberating for women, others contend that it can have negative consequences. Studies have shown that exposure to such content can contribute to unrealistic expectations about relationships and sexuality, as well as reinforce harmful stereotypes about women.

Furthermore, the use of nudity and excessive kissing in Nollywood films can have a negative impact on the industry’s reputation. Some international audiences may perceive these elements as offensive or exploitative, which could hinder the growth of the industry on the global stage.

The Role of Censorship

The issue of censorship has also been raised in the context of explicit content in Nollywood. While some argue that censorship is necessary to protect viewers from harmful content, others contend that it can stifle creativity and freedom of expression.

Bankole believes that self-regulation is a more effective approach than government censorship. She suggests that filmmakers should be encouraged to adhere to ethical standards and consider the potential impact of their work on viewers.

The Future of Nollywood

As Nollywood continues to evolve, it is essential that the industry moves towards a more mature and sophisticated approach to storytelling. By prioritizing quality over quantity, filmmakers can create films that are both entertaining and meaningful.

Bankole’s call for a shift away from nudity and excessive kissing is a significant step in the right direction. By challenging the status quo, she is inspiring other filmmakers to think critically about their work and strive for excellence.


Kehinde Bankole’s statement is a powerful reminder that a good story does not need to rely on explicit content to be compelling. By prioritizing quality storytelling and avoiding harmful stereotypes, Nollywood can continue to grow and thrive on the global stage.


Yetty is an entertainment blogger with skin in the game. She knows her way around the industry and thrives to promote and share binge-worthy contents. She is one of the best bloggers out there.

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