A firestorm has erupted in Nollywood after veteran actor Kanayo O. Kanayo (KOK) publicly called out teenage actress Angel Unigwe and her mother, Chief Juliet Kings (also her manager), for alleged unprofessional conduct. Unigwe’s team swiftly responded, vehemently denying the accusations and accusing KOK of acting unprofessionally himself.

KOK’s Public Accusation:

On June 21st, 2024, KOK took to his Instagram platform to express his frustration with Angel and her mother. He claimed they had breached a contract by leaving a film set before their agreed-upon time, accusing them of holding producers “hostage” for ransom. He warned other producers against working with them, stating, “A particular woman has been holding producers to ransom and it is unfortunate it has happened to me.” This video sparked outrage and confusion within the Nigerian film industry.

Unigwe’s Team Fires Back:

Angel Unigwe’s management team, led by Chief Juliet Kings, wasted no time in issuing a press release refuting KOK’s claims. They stated that Angel had fulfilled all contractual obligations and left the set only after completing the agreed-upon shooting schedule and receiving no objections from the director or production manager. The statement further accused KOK of making “false and slanderous” accusations and threatened legal action. Kings also pointedly noted that Angel left the set “without protest,” implying a professional and respectful exit.

A He-Said-She-Said Situation:

With both sides presenting conflicting narratives, the truth becomes a matter of perspective. Without access to the actual contract or firsthand accounts from the director and production manager, it’s difficult to definitively determine who is at fault. However, the public nature of the accusations and counter-accusations has cast a shadow over both Angel and KOK.

Unigwe’s Team Raises Gender Bias Concerns:

Kings’ statement went beyond simply refuting KOK’s claims. She also raised concerns about potential gender bias, suggesting that KOK might be unfairly targeting a young female actress and her mother. Her statement reads, “It is unfortunate that a veteran actor would choose to use his platform to slander a young girl finding her footing in the industry.” This accusation adds another layer of complexity to the situation, highlighting the ongoing struggle for gender equality within Nollywood.

Impact on Angel Unigwe:

This public dispute could have a significant impact on Angel Unigwe’s burgeoning career. While some fans might rally behind her, others may be wary of working with her due to the negative publicity. The success of her future endeavors might depend on how effectively she and her team navigate this controversy.

KOK’s Reputation at Stake:

KOK’s reputation as a respected veteran actor is also on the line. If his accusations are proven false, his credibility could be damaged. Furthermore, his actions might discourage young talents from entering the industry if they perceive a lack of support from established figures.

Finding a Resolution:

The ideal outcome would be a private resolution between the parties involved. Both KOK and Angel’s team could benefit from a more constructive approach, perhaps facilitated by a neutral third party. A public apology or clarification, if warranted, could help mend fences and restore their reputations.

Lessons for Nollywood:

This public feud serves as a cautionary tale for the Nigerian film industry. It highlights the importance of clear communication, professionalism, and respect between actors, producers, and management teams. Additionally, it underscores the need to address potential gender bias within Nollywood and ensure a fair and supportive environment for all talents.

The Future of Nollywood:

The way Nollywood handles this situation will be telling. Will it be an opportunity for growth and improved communication within the industry? Or will it lead to further divisions and discourage collaboration? The answer remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: the eyes of the industry and fans are on how this Nollywood feud unfolds.


Yetty is an entertainment blogger with skin in the game. She knows her way around the industry and thrives to promote and share binge-worthy contents. She is one of the best bloggers out there.

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