The internet is abuzz with reactions after a video showcasing former President Olusegun Obasanjo’s astonishing physical agility went viral. At an event in Lagos, the 89-year-old ex-leader left attendees in awe as he energetically jumped off a stage, demonstrating his remarkable fitness.

This eye-catching moment occurred during the 9th International Trade Exhibition and Conference on Agrofood, Plastics, Printing, and Packaging, where Obasanjo had been invited to speak. Following his address, instead of the expected dignified walk off the platform, he chose to leap down, inciting cheers and applause from the crowd.

The video quickly spread across social media platforms, especially X, where it sparked a wave of comments from the Nigerian online community. While some drew humorous comparisons to President Bola Tinubu, suggesting Obasanjo might have taken a leaf out of Tinubu’s book, others simply expressed admiration for Obasanjo’s physical condition at his advanced age.

Here’s a glimpse into some of the reactions that have been pouring in:

  • “Seeing Obasanjo in action just proves age is nothing but a number. The man’s got more energy than many half his age!” one netizen commented.
  • Another user playfully noted, “Looks like Tinubu’s been giving Obasanjo some tips. Who knew our political leaders were this agile?”
  • “Obasanjo’s leap is a metaphor for his enduring relevance in Nigerian politics. Always ready to jump into action,” a third observer remarked.

Obasanjo, who celebrated his 87th birthday on March 5, 2024, has long been known for his vitality and involvement in various national and international activities. His latest feat at the Lagos event not only underscores his physical fitness but also keeps him in the limelight, much to the delight and amusement of Nigerians everywhere.

This incident has clearly captured the imagination of the Nigerian public, adding a light-hearted moment to the nation’s political discourse and reaffirming Obasanjo’s status as an enduring figure in the country’s political landscape.


Ade is consistent in the world of politics, tech and entertainment. He is really updated on the recent happenings in the world and has a skin in the game.

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