Olaniyan Tobi, (pka, pagemaker) a distinguished event anchor, actor, and online radio presenter from Oyo State, Nigeria, has called upon clergy and churches to strike a healthier balance between spiritual teachings and supporting the personal growth and prosperity of their congregations. Known for his dynamic presence as a master of ceremonies and as the producer of the online radio program “Igbaladun Extra,” which broadcasts every Thursday at 10 AM, Tobi voiced his concerns over the limitations placed on youth potential by certain religious practices.

Taking to his Facebook page on a recent Monday afternoon, Tobi shared his personal journey of self-discovery, which he embarked upon after leaving his former church. He expressed distress over the church’s focus on preparation for the afterlife at the expense of nurturing the talents and potential of its younger members. Some churches limit the potentials of their members and youths because they refuse to balance spirituality with how those guys chose to live,” he stated, highlighting a common issue where the pursuit of spiritual purity can inadvertently stifle personal and professional development.

Tobi’s outspoken stance quickly garnered attention, prompting a follow-up by “TheHypeNaija” media, where he indicated his readiness to share more insights into his experiences and the broader implications for youth engagement in religious communities. He criticized his former church for not encouraging activities outside of strict religious observance, such as hosting events or exploring legal online work, which he discovered to be his passions and talents after departing from the congregation.

The radio presenter emphasized the need for churches to adopt a more inclusive approach that recognizes and fosters the diverse talents within their communities. “Heaven and word is needed but potentials should be encouraged too,” he remarked, underscoring the importance of acknowledging and supporting the worldly aspirations of church members alongside their spiritual growth.

Tobi’s message is a call to action for religious leaders to reevaluate how they guide and influence the youth, advocating for an environment that nurtures both spiritual well-being and personal success. By doing so, he believes that churches can truly embody the biblical principle that “all good things come from above,” demonstrating that poverty need not be a prerequisite for heaven.

His story serves as a reminder of the transformative power of self-discovery and the critical role that supportive communities play in unlocking the full potential of their members. Tobi’s hope to return to his former church and contribute to educating its youth reflects his commitment to fostering a more balanced and empowering approach to spirituality and prosperity.


Ade is consistent in the world of politics, tech and entertainment. He is really updated on the recent happenings in the world and has a skin in the game.

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