The Nigerian Air Force has reportedly detained one of its personnel, CPL AI Garba, due to the content he posted on TikTok, comparing military life in the United States with that in West African countries. This incident highlights the ongoing tensions surrounding military personnel’s use of social media and the strict policies governing such activities within the Armed Forces of Nigeria.

CPL AI Garba’s videos, which gained some popularity on social media, have led to his detention in an underground cell in Abuja since February. According to a family member who spoke to Newsmen, Garba has been held for over six weeks without access to his family or adequate medical care, despite his reported health issues.

The Air Force’s decision to detain Garba follows a documented signal dated February 13, accusing him of breaching the established social media policy for the Nigerian Armed Forces. This policy aims to regulate the online activities of service members, ensuring that their posts do not undermine the military’s image or disclose sensitive information.

This case emerges amid broader concerns about the welfare and rights of military personnel in Nigeria. Just weeks prior to Garba’s detention, another service member from the Nigerian Army, stationed in Maiduguri, Borno State, was arrested after sharing a video expressing his frustration over being unable to afford a visit to his family due to high transport costs. The soldier lamented that his N50,000 monthly salary was insufficient to cover the N70,000 needed for a round trip to his hometown, leading him to return to his post in Borno.

These incidents underscore the challenges faced by military personnel in Nigeria, not only in terms of the physical and psychological strains of their duties but also regarding the restrictions placed on their personal freedoms, including their ability to express themselves on social media. As the debate over the balance between security and freedom of expression within the military continues, the cases of CPL AI Garba and other detained personnel highlight the need for clear guidelines and protections for service members navigating the complexities of modern communication platforms.


Ade is consistent in the world of politics, tech and entertainment. He is really updated on the recent happenings in the world and has a skin in the game.

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