The National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) has voiced strong opposition against a dramatic increase in tuition fees at the University of Ibadan, which sees fees for the 2023/2024 academic session soaring by up to 750%. The new fees, which range from N230,000 to N412,000 depending on the course, contrast sharply with the previous year’s fees of N64,600 to N69,600.

Background of the Fee Increase

The substantial hike in fees at Nigeria’s premier university was publicly criticized by NANS, which argued that the recently enacted student loans bill should not serve as a justification for such steep increases. The association highlighted the severe financial burden this places on students and their families, especially given the current economic challenges.

NANS’ Reaction and Demands

In a statement released by Victor Igbudu, the Public Relations Officer of NANS, the student body condemned the new tuition rates and demanded that the University of Ibadan management revert to the earlier, more affordable fee structure. The statement emphasized the hardship the fee increase would cause, potentially affecting students’ access to essential educational resources and overall well-being.

Economic Implications for Students

The fee hike comes at a time when many Nigerian families are struggling with economic instability. NANS pointed out that the increased costs could hinder students’ ability to pay for necessary academic materials, as well as other basic needs like food and transportation. This could, in turn, lead to higher dropout rates and adversely impact the educational outcomes of many students.

Advocacy and Mobilization

Under the leadership of Comrade Pedro C. Obi, NANS expressed its commitment to mobilizing resources and advocating for the rights and welfare of Nigerian students. The association plans to engage in discussions with university management and possibly take further actions to ensure that education remains accessible and affordable for all students, irrespective of their economic background.

Calls for Reevaluation

NANS is urging the University of Ibadan’s administration to reconsider its decision on the fee increase. The student body argues that such a move would not only support the educational advancement of students but also contribute positively to the nation’s development by preventing an increase in student dropouts and ensuring a more educated populace.

Ongoing Negotiations and Student Advocacy

NANS has indicated that it will continue to engage with the University of Ibadan’s administration and other relevant stakeholders to negotiate a more favorable outcome for the students. These discussions are crucial as they provide a platform for student representatives to voice their concerns and propose viable solutions that may prevent such steep fee increases in the future.

Broader Impact on Higher Education in Nigeria

The situation at the University of Ibadan could have broader implications for higher education policies across Nigeria. It highlights the need for a comprehensive review of how universities are funded and how financial decisions impact student access and quality of education. NANS’ response to the fee increase could galvanize other student bodies across the country to advocate for more transparent and equitable fee structures in their respective institutions.

Government’s Role in Regulating Tuition Fees

This incident also underscores the potential role of governmental oversight in regulating tuition fees to ensure that higher education remains accessible. The federal and state governments may need to consider implementing policies that cap fee increases or provide more robust funding to universities to minimize the financial burden on students.

Public Support and Awareness

Raising public awareness about the challenges faced by students in affording higher education is another critical aspect of NANS’ strategy. By bringing these issues to the forefront of national discourse, NANS hopes to garner support from the broader public and from policymakers who can influence educational funding and policies.

Ensuring the Sustainability of Higher Education

Ultimately, the goal is to ensure that higher education in Nigeria is sustainable, affordable, and of high quality. This involves not only addressing immediate fee concerns but also looking at long-term strategies for funding higher education. These might include increasing government investment in universities, exploring alternative funding models, and ensuring that any introduction of student loans or financial aid programs does not lead to unjustified increases in tuition fees.


The fee increase at the University of Ibadan represents a critical issue in the intersection of economic policy and educational access in Nigeria. NANS’ active involvement in challenging the hikes and advocating for a reversal is a testament to the vital role of student organizations in shaping educational policies. As negotiations continue, the hope is that a resolution favorable to all parties can be achieved, setting a positive precedent for handling similar issues in the future.


Ade is consistent in the world of politics, tech and entertainment. He is really updated on the recent happenings in the world and has a skin in the game.

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