Mompha, social media influencer and businessman Ismail Mustapha, has been conspicuously absent from his ongoing trial for an alleged N6 billion fraud case. Despite his flamboyant presence online and previous court appearances, Mompha’s whereabouts remain unknown, leaving a trail of questions and casting a shadow over the proceedings.

The Lagos court, presided over by Justice Mohammed Liman, has continued the trial in Mompha’s absence. The prosecution, led by Rotimi Oyegbanjo, has presented its case, detailing a web of alleged financial impropriety. Mompha is accused of laundering billions of naira through his companies, including Mompha Bureau De Change, and of living a lavish lifestyle funded by illicit means.

A Trail of Missing Millions

The prosecution’s case hinges on a series of bank statements and documents allegedly tracing millions of naira in suspicious transactions. Mompha’s companies are accused of receiving and transferring these funds without legitimate business justification. The prosecution further alleges that Mompha used these funds to finance a flamboyant lifestyle, acquiring luxury cars, properties, and splashing out on social media displays of wealth.

Defense Challenges Prosecution’s Narrative

While Mompha remains absent, his defense team, led by Gboyega Oyewole, has vigorously contested the prosecution’s narrative. They argue that the transactions in question were legitimate business dealings and that Mompha’s wealth is a result of his years of successful business ventures. The defense has also raised concerns about the admissibility of some evidence presented by the prosecution.

The Mompha Enigma: Absent But Not Forgotten

Mompha’s absence from court has become a focal point of the case. Some speculate that his disappearance could be a strategic move by his defense team, aiming to delay proceedings or raise questions about the legitimacy of the case. Others believe Mompha may have fled the country, fearing conviction and a lengthy prison sentence.

Social Media Spectacle

Despite his physical absence from court, Mompha continues to maintain an active presence online. His social media accounts, boasting millions of followers, remain a platform for cryptic messages and displays of wealth. This online persona adds another layer of intrigue to the case, blurring the lines between reality and the carefully curated image Mompha has cultivated.

Impact of Mompha’s Absence

Mompha’s absence raises concerns about the fairness of the trial. The right to a fair trial includes the right to be present and defend oneself. While Mompha’s legal team can represent him in his absence, his lack of presence in court prevents him from directly challenging witness testimonies or providing his own account of events. This absence of a key figure can cast doubt on the legitimacy of the proceedings and potentially weaken the prosecution’s case.

The Case Continues: Questions Remain

The Mompha trial is far from over. The court is expected to hear testimonies from additional witnesses before closing arguments are presented. The judge will then deliberate and deliver a verdict. Mompha’s continued absence adds a layer of complexity to the case, raising questions about his intentions and the ultimate outcome of the trial.

Beyond Mompha: A Case with Wider Implications

The Mompha case has wider implications for Nigeria’s ongoing fight against corruption. The country has struggled to tackle financial crimes, and this high-profile case is being closely watched by the public and anti-corruption agencies. A successful prosecution of Mompha could send a strong message that those accused of financial crimes, regardless of their social media presence or wealth, will be held accountable.

However, if the case stalls or results in an acquittal due to Mompha’s absence, it could be seen as a setback in the fight against corruption. It would raise questions about the effectiveness of Nigeria’s judicial system in handling complex financial crimes.

The Mompha saga is far from over. Whether he reappears in court, and the verdict that awaits him, remain to be seen. But one thing is certain: this case has captured the public imagination and sparked important conversations about wealth, social media, and the fight against corruption in Nigeria.


Yetty is an entertainment blogger with skin in the game. She knows her way around the industry and thrives to promote and share binge-worthy contents. She is one of the best bloggers out there.

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