Nigerian singer Lyta has found himself embroiled in a social media firestorm after a fan called him out for allegedly wearing a counterfeit Ashluxe shirt. The drama has taken an even juicier turn with Lyta’s baby mama, influencer Kingston Kugura, seemingly throwing shade at the singer through a series of cryptic posts.

A Fan’s Scrutiny, A Brand’s Disappointment

The saga began when a fan, with a keen eye for detail, noticed inconsistencies in the design and stitching of a shirt Lyta wore in a recent social media post. The fan publicly commented, questioning the authenticity of the Ashluxe garment, a popular luxury brand known for its hefty price tag.

Ashluxe, the brand itself, waded into the online fray, confirming the fan’s suspicions. In a statement, the brand distanced itself from the shirt, implying it was not a genuine Ashluxe product. This official confirmation sent social media into a frenzy, with many users criticizing Lyta for potentially promoting counterfeit goods.

Baby Mama Joins the Fray: Cryptic Posts and Social Media Speculation

Lyta has yet to directly address the controversy surrounding the fake Ashluxe shirt. However, his baby mama, Kingston Kugura, has sparked a firestorm of speculation with her recent social media activity.

Here’s what has fueled the rumor mill:

  • Subtle Shade: Kugura posted a series of cryptic messages on her social media pages. One post read, “Perception can be deceiving,” while another included the eye-roll emoji. These posts, while not explicitly mentioning Lyta, arrived conveniently amidst the Ashluxe controversy, leading many to interpret them as veiled jabs at the singer.
  • A History of Public Spats: Lyta and Kugura have a well-documented history of public spats and social media exchanges following the birth of their child. This background adds fuel to the speculation that Kugura’s recent posts are directed at Lyta.

Fans Divided: Team Lyta vs. Team Authenticity

The online response to the Ashluxe controversy and Kugura’s social media activity has been divided:

  • Team Lyta: Some fans defend Lyta, suggesting he might have been unknowingly gifted the fake shirt or that the brand is mistaken.
  • Team Authenticity: Others criticize Lyta for potentially promoting counterfeit goods, arguing that celebrities have a responsibility to be mindful of the message they send to their fans.
  • Kugura’s Motives: Many online observers are dissecting Kugura’s posts, debating whether they are truly cryptic messages aimed at Lyta or simply unconnected social media musings.

Beyond the Controversy: Ethical Consumption and Influencer Responsibility

The Lyta-Ashluxe saga transcends mere celebrity gossip. It raises important questions about:

  • Ethical Consumption: The prevalence of counterfeit goods highlights the growing issue of ethical consumption, especially amongst celebrities who influence purchasing decisions.
  • Influencer Responsibility: Celebrities and social media influencers have a responsibility to be mindful of the brands they endorse and the messages they convey to their followers. Promoting, even unknowingly, counterfeit goods can mislead consumers and damage legitimate brands.
  • Transparency and Authenticity: Transparency and authenticity are crucial for both celebrities and brands. Addressing controversies head-on and fostering genuine connections with fans can help rebuild trust.

A Wait-and-See Game: Will Lyta Address the Issue?

As of now, Lyta remains silent on the Ashluxe controversy. Whether he chooses to address the issue directly, offer clarification, or simply let the noise fizzle out remains to be seen.

However, one thing is certain: the online world will be waiting with bated breath for the next chapter in this social media saga.


Ade is consistent in the world of politics, tech and entertainment. He is really updated on the recent happenings in the world and has a skin in the game.

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