A young man identified simply as Akpoveta has been arrested for the alleged murder of his “sugar mummy,” Ms. Akpaku. The incident, which has cast a dark shadow on the controversial world of transactional relationships, has sparked outrage and renewed calls for caution when navigating such arrangements.

The Deadly Confession

According to a disturbing video circulating on social media, shared by the Delta State Police Public Relations Officer, Mr. Bright Edafe, Akpoveta, visibly distraught, confessed to the brutal killing. The suspect claimed Ms. Akpaku was his sugar mummy, a term used to describe an older woman who provides financial support to a younger partner.

The Fateful Dispute

Their relationship, however, took a tragic turn when a N100,000 sum Akpoveta entrusted to Ms. Akpaku for safekeeping became a point of contention. Akpoveta alleges Ms. Akpaku refused to return the money when he requested it, leading to a heated argument.

I told her I would tell her child,” Akpoveta narrated in the video confession, “and she said if I told the child, she would not return my money.” This statement hints at a possible power dynamic within the relationship, with Ms. Akpaku potentially leveraging the financial situation to control Akpoveta.

The Brutal Killing

The argument escalated tragically. Akpoveta admits to carrying a knife with him during the encounter and, in a moment of blind rage, using it to stab Ms. Akpaku in the neck, hand, and stomach. The chilling details paint a picture of a crime fueled by a deadly mix of desperation, entitlement, and a twisted sense of betrayal.

Law Enforcement’s Response

The Police Public Relations Officer, Mr. Edafe, while not revealing the location of the incident, condemned the act and urged the public to learn from this horrific event. “We share stories like this so we can learn from the mistakes of others,” he stated.

Sugar Daddy Relationships: A Recipe for Trouble?

The Akpoveta-Akpaku case has reignited discussions surrounding sugar daddy/sugar mummy relationships, particularly the potential dangers associated with such arrangements. Critics argue that these relationships are inherently unequal, often built on a foundation of financial dependence and manipulation.

Experts Weigh In

Dating coach and relationship expert, Ms. Adeola Sodipe, commented on the situation, stating, “There’s a fine line between mutually beneficial connections and exploitation. When money becomes the driving force, genuine affection takes a back seat, leaving room for resentment and a sense of entitlement.”

Ms. Sodipe emphasizes the importance of emotional maturity and open communication in any relationship, regardless of age or financial dynamics. “True connections are built on trust and respect, not financial transactions,” she concluded.

The Psychological Impact: A Descent into Violence

While the financial dispute acted as a trigger, it’s crucial to explore the psychological factors that may have contributed to Akpoveta’s violent act. Feelings of helplessness, fueled by financial dependence, coupled with a perceived betrayal of trust, could have created a pressure cooker of emotions.

Psychotherapist Dr. Chukwuemeka Okafor sheds light on the possible thought processes: “The feeling of being used or controlled financially can be incredibly damaging to self-esteem. In some cases, individuals might resort to violence as a way to regain a sense of power or control in a situation that feels hopeless.”

Dr. Okafor stresses the importance of healthy coping mechanisms and the need for open communication to address grievances within any relationship.

The Legal Landscape: Justice for Ms. Akpaku

Akpoveta’s confession has triggered legal proceedings. The Nigerian justice system has a zero-tolerance policy for murder, and Akpoveta is likely to face the full wrath of the law. Legal experts predict a lengthy and emotionally charged trial.

Ms. Esther Ogwuegbu, a Lagos-based lawyer, explained the possible course of action: “The police will conduct a thorough investigation, gathering evidence and witness testimonies. If the charges hold, Akpoveta will be arraigned before a court of law. Depending on the severity of the case, he could face a life sentence or even the death penalty.


The Akpoveta-Akpaku case serves as a stark reminder of the tragic consequences that can unfold when transactional relationships go wrong. It compels us to re-evaluate the ethics of such arrangements and prioritize healthy communication and emotional intelligence in all our connections.


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