Lion Forge Entertainment, the animation powerhouse behind the upcoming series “Iyanu,” is making a strategic move into the burgeoning Nigerian animation scene. The studio, known for producing acclaimed projects like “Hair Love” and “Rise Up, Sing Out,” has secured a sponsorship pact with The Voiceover Conference (TVOC), Africa’s premier voice acting summit held annually in Lagos. This strategic partnership signifies Lion Forge’s commitment to not only showcasing “Iyanu” but also empowering and amplifying diverse voices within the African animation industry.

“Iyanu,” slated for release in 2025 on Cartoon Network and Max, is more than just a superhero cartoon. It’s a vibrant tapestry woven from rich Nigerian culture, mythology, and music. The series follows Iyanu, a teenage heroine who discovers newfound powers and embarks on a journey to save her people from an ancient curse. This epic tale, steeped in Yorubaland lore, is a landmark achievement, featuring an all-Nigerian voice cast.

The partnership with TVOC goes beyond mere sponsorship. Lion Forge is actively participating in the conference. Roye Okupe, the award-winning Nigerian creator and producer of “Iyanu’s” graphic novel source material, will be featured in discussions alongside cast member Serah Johnson, who voices the titular Iyanu. Additionally, Paula Gammon Wilson, the casting and voice director, will be leading a workshop on the audition process, providing invaluable insights for aspiring voice actors in Nigeria.

This collaboration benefits both parties. For Lion Forge, it offers a platform to connect directly with the Nigerian animation community, gain valuable feedback on “Iyanu,” and potentially discover new talent for future projects. For TVOC, Lion Forge’s involvement elevates the conference’s profile, attracting international attention and providing a stage for local voice actors to showcase their skills in front of a renowned animation studio.

Building a Bridge for Diverse Voices:

David Steward II, founder of Lion Forge Entertainment, emphasizes the importance of inclusivity in animation. “We are thrilled to enter into a partnership with The Voiceover Conference,” he states. “This collaboration underscores our commitment to championing diverse voices and fostering a vibrant animation scene across the globe.”

This sentiment resonates with King E. Afemikhe, the founder of TVOC. Afemikhe, himself a leading voice actor in Nigeria, has joined the cast of “Iyanu,” lending his voice to the character of Abby. Lion Forge’s dedication to amplifying African voices is truly inspiring,” he says. This partnership is a significant step towards creating a more inclusive animation industry, one where stories from Africa can be shared with the world.

Beyond Sponsorship: A Catalyst for Change:

The impact of Lion Forge’s involvement could extend far beyond the conference. Here’s how this partnership could reshape the Nigerian animation landscape:

  • Elevating Animation Standards: Lion Forge’s expertise and experience in animation production could inspire and guide aspiring Nigerian animators. Workshops, seminars, and potential collaborations could lead to a significant leap in the quality of Nigerian animation.
  • Unlocking Global Opportunities: Lion Forge’s established network in the global animation industry could open doors for Nigerian voice actors and animators. Participation in “Iyanu” could serve as a springboard for them to secure international projects and recognition.
  • Showcasing African Narratives: “Iyanu” paves the way for more stories rooted in African mythology and folklore to reach international audiences. This could spark a trend, encouraging creators to celebrate their heritage and share unique cultural perspectives with the world.

Challenges and Considerations:

While the partnership holds immense potential, some challenges remain. Localization remains crucial. Iyanu” must strike a balance between staying true to its Nigerian roots while being accessible to a global audience. Additionally, ensuring equitable representation within the animation industry in Nigeria is essential.

A Future Filled with Promise:

Despite these challenges, Lion Forge’s partnership with TVOC paves the way for an exciting future for Nigerian animation. This collaboration signifies a growing international recognition of African talent and a commitment to creating a more inclusive animation landscape. With continued collaboration and investment, Nigeria has the potential to become a major player in the global animation industry, captivating audiences with stories that resonate on a universal level.


Yetty is an entertainment blogger with skin in the game. She knows her way around the industry and thrives to promote and share binge-worthy contents. She is one of the best bloggers out there.

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