The Nigerian Association of Resident Doctors (NARD) has raised a serious alarm over the increasing trend of kidnappers abducting doctors to treat their injured gang members. In a statement released by the association’s President, Dr. Uyilawa Longe, NARD expressed deep concern about the safety and well-being of healthcare professionals in the country.

It is disheartening to witness the alarming rate at which doctors are being targeted for their medical expertise,” Dr. Longe said. “These kidnappers are exploiting the critical role of healthcare providers to ensure the survival of their criminal activities. This is not only a violation of medical ethics but also a grave threat to the health and well-being of innocent citizens.

NARD highlighted several recent cases where doctors have been abducted and forced to provide medical care to injured gang members. In one incident, a team of doctors was kidnapped while traveling to a rural health facility. The kidnappers demanded a ransom of millions of naira in exchange for the doctors’ release.

Another disturbing case involved a female doctor who was abducted from her home and taken to a forest where she was forced to treat a gunshot wound on a suspected gang member. The doctor was held captive for several days before being released.

These incidents have instilled fear and anxiety among healthcare professionals across the country. Many doctors have expressed reluctance to work in certain areas, particularly in conflict-ridden regions, due to the heightened risk of abduction.

NARD has called on the government to take decisive action to address this escalating crisis. The association has urged the security forces to intensify their efforts to apprehend the perpetrators of these kidnappings and bring them to justice.

The government must also invest in improving security measures in healthcare facilities and ensure that doctors and other healthcare workers have access to adequate protection,” Dr. Longe emphasized.

In addition to the security concerns, NARD has raised concerns about the impact of these kidnappings on healthcare services. When doctors are abducted, it can lead to disruptions in essential healthcare services, such as surgeries, emergencies, and outpatient clinics. This can have serious consequences for the health and well-being of patients, particularly in rural areas where access to healthcare is already limited.

NARD has called on the government to prioritize the safety and security of healthcare professionals. The association has also urged the international community to provide support to Nigeria in combating this growing threat.

The Role of Traditional Medicine in Gang-Related Violence

While the abduction of doctors to treat injured gang members is a serious concern, it is important to note that traditional medicine also plays a significant role in gang-related violence. Many gang members rely on traditional healers to treat their injuries and provide spiritual protection.

Traditional healers often use herbs, roots, and other natural substances to treat wounds and illnesses. They may also perform rituals and ceremonies to ward off evil spirits and protect gang members from harm.

The use of traditional medicine by gang members can have several implications. Firstly, it can delay the seeking of appropriate medical care, which can lead to serious complications or even death. Secondly, some traditional practices can be harmful or ineffective, further endangering the health of gang members.

Thirdly, the reliance on traditional medicine can create a sense of invulnerability among gang members, leading to riskier behavior.

The Impact of Gang Violence on Communities

Gang violence has a devastating impact on communities across Nigeria. It can lead to displacement, economic decline, and a breakdown of social order. Gang-related violence can also have a significant impact on the mental health of individuals and families affected by the violence.

In addition to the direct effects of violence, gang activity can also have indirect consequences. For example, gangs may engage in extortion and racketeering, which can harm businesses and deter investment. Gangs may also control the distribution of essential goods and services, leading to shortages and price increases.

Efforts to Combat Gang Violence

The Nigerian government has implemented various strategies to combat gang violence. These include increasing police presence in affected areas, strengthening community policing initiatives, and investing in youth development programs.

However, addressing the root causes of gang violence requires a multi-faceted approach. It is essential to address issues such as poverty, inequality, and lack of opportunities for young people. Investing in education, job training, and social welfare programs can help to reduce the appeal of gang membership.

The Role of Civil Society Organizations

Civil society organizations play a crucial role in combating gang violence and addressing its underlying causes. These organizations can work with communities to promote peace, reconciliation, and social cohesion. They can also provide support services to victims of violence and their families.


The abduction of doctors to treat injured gang members is a disturbing trend that highlights the serious challenges facing Nigeria. Addressing this issue requires a comprehensive approach that involves strengthening security measures, addressing the root causes of gang violence, and promoting the safety and well-being of healthcare professionals.

By working together, the government, security forces, civil society organizations, and communities can help to create a safer and more peaceful society for all.


Yetty is an entertainment blogger with skin in the game. She knows her way around the industry and thrives to promote and share binge-worthy contents. She is one of the best bloggers out there.

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