The simmering tension surrounding the Kano Emirate succession has flared up again following a recent court judgement. A group advocating for the reinstatement of the dethroned Emir, Muhammadu Sanusi II, has vehemently condemned the ruling, calling it “shameful” and a disregard for tradition.

This article delves into the details of the court case, the reactions from the pro-Sanusi group, and the potential implications for the future of the Kano Emirate.

Courtroom Controversy: The Details of the Judgement

The specifics of the recent court judgement remain undisclosed to the public. However, based on media reports, it’s likely the judgement pertains to a legal challenge mounted by supporters of the current Emir, Aminu Ado Bayero. This challenge could be related to the Kano State government’s justification for dethroning Emir Sanusi II in March 2020, or it might address procedural aspects of the dethronement process.

The lack of publicly available details surrounding the judgement makes it difficult to fully understand its reasoning. This information gap has undoubtedly fueled frustration and criticism from those who support the reinstatement of Emir Sanusi II.

Pro-Sanusi Voices: Denouncing the Judgement and Calling for Reinstatement

A group known as the “Kin Kano Mun Kira” (meaning “The Kano People We Call”) has emerged as a vocal critic of the recent court judgement. This group, believed to be composed of supporters of Emir Sanusi II, has issued a strong statement condemning the ruling.

The statement, as reported by various Nigerian news outlets, describes the judgement as “shameful” and a “blatant disregard for tradition and the rule of law.” The group argues that the dethronement of Emir Sanusi II was unlawful and disrespectful to the Kano Emirate’s long-standing customs.

Furthermore, the statement calls for the immediate reinstatement of Emir Sanusi II, emphasizing his rightful place as the rightful leader of the Kano Emirate. This stance suggests the pro-Sanusi camp is unlikely to back down and may pursue further legal action or public pressure campaigns.

Unsettled Future: Potential Implications for the Kano Emirate

The recent court judgement and the subsequent reaction from the pro-Sanusi group cast a shadow of uncertainty over the future of the Kano Emirate. Here are some potential scenarios to consider:

  • Protracted Legal Battle: The pro-Sanusi group might choose to appeal the recent judgement, potentially leading to a prolonged legal battle. This could further delay any resolution and exacerbate tensions within the Kano Emirate.
  • Negotiation and Compromise: There’s a possibility that both sides might seek a negotiated settlement. This could involve concessions from either party, such as the Kano State government acknowledging procedural shortcomings in the dethronement process, or the pro-Sanusi group accepting a form of compensation or alternative title for Emir Sanusi II.
  • Escalating Tensions: The most concerning scenario involves a rise in tensions within Kano. Public frustration with the ongoing dispute could lead to protests or even violence. Maintaining peace and order would become a significant concern for the Kano State government.

The path forward for the Kano Emirate remains unclear. The coming weeks and months will likely be crucial in determining whether a resolution can be reached or if the dispute continues to simmer.

Historical Context: Understanding the Kano Emirate Tussle

To fully grasp the significance of the recent court judgement and the ongoing controversy, it’s essential to understand the historical context of the Kano Emirate.

The Kano Emirate is one of the oldest and most prestigious traditional institutions in Nigeria. The Emir holds immense symbolic and religious authority, and his dethronement in 2020 sent shockwaves through Nigerian society.

Emir Sanusi II, a respected economist and outspoken critic of some government policies, was accused of insubordination by the Kano State government. This accusation has been widely disputed by his supporters, who believe his dethronement was politically motivated.

The Kano Emirate succession process is steeped in tradition. While the Kano State government holds significant power, the selection of an Emir typically involves consultations with various kingmakers and traditional institutions. The lack of adherence to these traditions in the case of Emir Sanusi II’s dethronement is a major point of contention for his supporters.

National Spotlight: A Dispute with Wider Implications

The Kano Emirate tussle has transcended local boundaries and captured national attention. The dispute has become a focal point for discussions about traditional authority, government accountability, and the role of institutions in contemporary Nigeria.

The national media has extensively covered the court judgement and the reactions from the pro-Sanusi group. This widespread attention puts pressure on the parties involved to find a solution that respects tradition, upholds the rule of law, and prioritizes peace and stability within the Kano Emirate.

The Kano Emirate Tussle: A Call for Dialogue and Transparency

The Kano Emirate tussle presents a complex challenge, requiring a multifaceted approach to achieve a sustainable resolution. Here are some potential recommendations:

  • Open Communication and Transparency: The Kano State government can benefit from increased transparency by publicly releasing the details of the recent court judgement. This would allow for a more informed public discussion and potentially alleviate some of the frustration felt by the pro-Sanusi group. Additionally, engaging in open communication about the government’s concerns regarding Emir Sanusi II could foster understanding, even if full reinstatement isn’t a viable option.

  • Mediation and Negotiation: A neutral third party, perhaps a respected religious leader or a retired jurist, could be brought in to mediate between the Kano State government and the pro-Sanusi faction. This mediator could facilitate a dialogue focused on finding common ground and exploring avenues for compromise.

  • Respecting Tradition: Finding a solution that acknowledges the importance of tradition while also addressing the government’s concerns is crucial. This might involve establishing a clearer and more transparent process for future Emir selection, ensuring adherence to established customs.

  • Focus on Kano’s Future: All parties involved must prioritize the well-being and stability of Kano. The prolonged dispute has undoubtedly created uncertainty and tension within the community. A resolution that fosters unity and allows Kano to move forward constructively is essential.

The Role of Civil Society: Nigerian civil society organizations can play a vital role in advocating for a peaceful and transparent resolution. By monitoring the situation, urging dialogue, and promoting respect for the rule of law, these organizations can contribute to a positive outcome.


The Kano Emirate tussle is a complex issue with deep historical roots. Finding a solution that addresses the concerns of all parties requires a commitment to open communication, transparency, and respect for tradition. By prioritizing dialogue, compromise, and the well-being of Kano, a sustainable resolution can be reached, allowing the Kano Emirate to move forward with stability and unity.

This article has provided a comprehensive overview of the recent court judgement, the reactions from the pro-Sanusi group, and the potential implications for the Kano Emirate. Additionally, it has offered some recommendations for achieving a sustainable resolution to this ongoing dispute. By understanding the historical context and the various perspectives involved, Nigerians can participate in constructive discussions and advocate for a solution that prioritizes peace, tradition, and the future of Kano.


Yetty is an entertainment blogger with skin in the game. She knows her way around the industry and thrives to promote and share binge-worthy contents. She is one of the best bloggers out there.

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