A Micra taxi driver in Ibadan, Oyo State, has become the subject of widespread online discussion after being spotted driving while wearing his wife’s dress. The driver, whose identity remains undisclosed, has now explained the unusual choice of attire, sparking a debate about societal norms and personal expression.

The incident came to light after a video of the driver went viral on social media. In the clip, the man can be seen behind the wheel of his Micra taxi, dressed in a colorful floral dress that appears to be his wife’s. Passengers in the car can be seen reacting with surprise and amusement.

When questioned about his attire, the driver explained that he had simply chosen to wear the dress for comfort. He stated that he often drives long hours and finds the dress to be more comfortable than his regular clothes. He also dismissed any concerns about the dress’s appropriateness, insisting that it is simply a piece of clothing.

“It’s just a dress, there’s nothing unusual about it,” the driver said in an interview. “I’m comfortable in it, and it doesn’t affect my ability to drive. I don’t understand why people are making such a big deal out of it.

The driver’s explanation has not been universally accepted. Some people have criticized his choice of attire, arguing that it is inappropriate and disrespectful to women. Others have defended his right to wear whatever he wants, arguing that it is a matter of personal expression.

A Debate on Societal Norms

The incident has sparked a wider debate about societal norms and gender roles. Some argue that traditional gender roles are becoming increasingly outdated and that men should be free to express themselves in whatever way they choose. Others maintain that there are certain expectations associated with masculinity, and that a man should not be seen wearing women’s clothing in public.

The driver’s unconventional attire has also raised questions about the role of fashion in society. Some people argue that fashion should be a form of self-expression, while others believe that it is important to adhere to certain dress codes.

A Symbol of Resilience

Despite the controversy surrounding his attire, the Ibadan Micra driver has remained unfazed. He has emphasized that his primary concern is providing a good service to his passengers and earning a living.

The driver’s story has also become a symbol of resilience and determination. Despite facing criticism and ridicule, he has refused to be discouraged. His willingness to defy societal expectations is a testament to his strength of character.

As the debate over the driver’s attire continues, it is clear that there are strong opinions on both sides of the issue. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to wear a dress while driving a taxi is a personal one.

It is important to remember that everyone has the right to express themselves in their own way, as long as they are not harming anyone else. The Ibadan Micra driver’s story is a reminder that it is okay to be different and to challenge societal norms.


Yetty is an entertainment blogger with skin in the game. She knows her way around the industry and thrives to promote and share binge-worthy contents. She is one of the best bloggers out there.

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