Isreal DMW, the logistics manager for Nigerian superstar Davido and a prominent social media personality, has found himself at the center of a heated online debate following his recent video post. In the video, Isreal DMW mocks individuals who use the “Do Not Disturb” feature on their phones while claiming to be financially challenged. His remarks have sparked a wave of criticism, with many social media users accusing him of insensitivity and promoting a classist narrative.

The Controversial Video

In the video, which has been circulating on social media platforms, Isreal DMW can be heard saying (translated from Pidgin English), “You don’t have money, yet you put your phone on Do Not Disturb. Who are you disturbing? Nobody is looking for you.” While intended to be humorous, his comments have struck a nerve with many viewers who find them offensive and misguided.

The “Do Not Disturb” Function

The “Do Not Disturb” feature on phones allows users to silence calls and notifications temporarily, providing a much-needed break from the constant barrage of digital communication. However, Isreal DMW’s video suggests that only those who are financially successful or constantly inundated with important calls have a valid reason to utilize this feature.

Social Media Backlash

The backlash against Isreal DMW’s comments has been swift and fierce, with critics taking to Twitter and Instagram to express their disapproval. The main points of criticism include:

  1. Insensitivity to Mental Health: Many argue that Isreal DMW’s remarks disregard the mental health benefits of using “Do Not Disturb,” which can be a valuable tool for managing stress, anxiety, and digital overload, regardless of one’s financial status.
  2. Promoting Hustle Culture: Some view the video as glorifying an unhealthy “hustle culture” that prioritizes constant availability over self-care and a healthy work-life balance.
  3. Classist Undertones: The core of the criticism lies in the perceived classist undertones of Isreal DMW’s message, suggesting that only the wealthy deserve uninterrupted peace.

Defending Isreal DMW

While the majority of reactions have been critical, some have come to Isreal DMW’s defense, offering alternative interpretations of his video:

  • Lighthearted Joke: Defenders argue that the video was meant as a playful joke and should not be taken too seriously, given Isreal DMW’s known comedic persona.
  • Cultural Misunderstanding: Some suggest that the concept of “Do Not Disturb” might not hold the same significance in certain cultures, and Isreal DMW’s comments could reflect a difference in perspective.

The Larger Implications

The debate surrounding Isreal DMW’s video extends beyond a mere celebrity gaffe. It highlights several important issues:

  1. Mental Health Awareness: The controversy has brought mental health to the forefront, encouraging discussions about the importance of self-care and managing digital overload.
  2. Social Media Responsibility: The incident serves as a reminder of the responsibility that comes with having a large social media following, urging celebrities and influencers to be mindful of the impact of their words.
  3. Class and Social Mobility: The debate exposes underlying societal issues related to class and social mobility, questioning whether constant busyness equates to success and if those struggling financially are less deserving of peace and quiet.

Isreal DMW’s Response

As of now, Isreal DMW has not publicly addressed the controversy surrounding his video. It remains unclear whether he intended to spark a national conversation or simply make a lighthearted joke. Nonetheless, his comments have undeniably resonated with many, igniting discussions about social media etiquette, mental health, and the constant pressure to be connected in the digital age.


Isreal DMW’s “Do Not Disturb” video has inadvertently started a larger conversation about the intersection of technology, mental health, and social class. While opinions may vary on the intent and impact of his words, the incident serves as a reminder of the power and responsibility that comes with having a significant social media presence. As the debate continues, it is crucial to prioritize mental well-being, practice empathy, and foster a more inclusive and understanding digital community.


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