Instagram dancer Jane Mena and her husband, Andre Plies, have captured the internet’s attention with a lighthearted family moment. On October 7, 2024, the couple staged a mock contract signing with their 2-year-old son, pledging him to a “girlfriend-free” life until 2040, igniting a viral storm across social media platforms.

As the sun peeked through the windows of the Mena-Plies residence in Lagos, Nigeria, an unusual scene unfolded. Jane Mena, known for her energetic dance videos on Instagram, and her husband Andre gathered around their dining table with their toddler son for what appeared to be a serious family meeting.

We decided to have a bit of fun with our son’s future love life,” Jane chuckled during an exclusive interview. “It’s all in good spirits, of course. We’re just capturing a cute moment and sharing it with our followers.

The video, posted on Jane’s Instagram and TikTok account, shows the family seated at a table adorned with a pristine white cloth. In bold letters, the cloth declares: “No girlfriend till 2040.” The scene is set with an air of mock solemnity, belied by the twinkle in the parents’ eyes.

Family friend and witness to the event, Chioma Okafor, described the atmosphere: “It was hilarious! They had juice boxes instead of champagne, and the ‘contract’ was written in crayon. Everyone was trying so hard not to burst into laughter.”

As the video unfolds, viewers watch the young boy, barely old enough to hold a crayon, make his mark on the “contract.” His parents guide his hand, helping him scrawl what could generously be called a signature.

“The moment he finished, we all cheered,” Andre Plies shared. He was so excited, probably thinking he’d just won a game. In a way, I suppose he did.”

The ceremony concluded with handshakes all around and a family hug, sealing the deal with more kisses than a typical business transaction.

Within hours of posting, the video had amassed over a million views on TikTok, with thousands of comments pouring in from around the globe.

User @DanceMom2024 commented: “This is the cutest thing I’ve seen all year! Where can I get one of these contracts for my son? 😂”

However, not all reactions were positive. Some viewers expressed concern about the implications of such jokes on children’s future relationships.

Child psychologist Dr. Nnamdi Okonkwo offered his perspective: “While this is clearly meant in jest, parents should be mindful of the messages we send to children about relationships, even in play. It’s important to balance humor with healthy attitudes towards future social interactions.”

This incident highlights the growing trend of parents sharing intimate family moments on social media platforms. It raises questions about privacy, consent, and the long-term impacts of a digital childhood footprint.

Social media expert Amina Bello notes, “What we’re seeing with the Mena-Plies family is just the tip of the iceberg. Parents today are navigating uncharted waters, balancing their online presence with their children’s right to privacy.”

As the video continues to circulate and spark discussions, one question remains: Will this playful pact have any bearing on the young boy’s future?

Jane Mena laughs at the thought: “By 2040, I’m sure he’ll have long forgotten about this silly contract. But who knows? Maybe we’ll pull it out at his wedding someday for a good laugh.

In the end, this viral moment serves as a reminder of the joy, humor, and occasional absurdity of modern parenting. It’s a snapshot of a family creating memories, albeit in a very 21st-century way.

As the internet continues to buzz about the “No Girlfriend Till 2040” contract, one thing is certain: the Mena-Plies household has given us all a moment of levity in an often too-serious world. And for that, perhaps we can all be grateful.


Yetty is an entertainment blogger with skin in the game. She knows her way around the industry and thrives to promote and share binge-worthy contents. She is one of the best bloggers out there.

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