The Imo State House of Assembly has ignited a firestorm within the judiciary, recommending the immediate dismissal of the state’s Chief Judge, Justice Theresa Chukwuemeka-Chikeka. The dramatic move, passed on July 18th, 2024, centers around accusations of age falsification leveled against the Chief Judge by a civil society organization, the Civil Society Engagement Platform (CSEP).

The CSEP petition alleged a discrepancy between Justice Chikeka’s publicly available birth date of October 27th, 1956, and a different date found in undisclosed records. This alleged discrepancy, if proven, could have significant implications. In Nigeria, mandatory retirement for High Court Judges is set at 70 years old.

Following the CSEP petition, the Imo House of Assembly formed a four-member ad-hoc committee to investigate the allegations. The committee, led by House Committee Chairman on Information and Judiciary, Ikenna Ihezuo, conducted its investigation and presented its findings to the full House on July 18th.

In a charged session, Mr. Ihezuo presented the committee’s report, accusing Justice Chikeka of not only age falsification but also of refusing to appear before the committee. The report declared this a form of “gross misconduct” and recommended her removal from office pursuant to Section 292 of the 1999 Constitution of Nigeria.

The report ignited a heated debate within the House. While a two-thirds majority voted in favor of the committee’s recommendations, some lawmakers expressed concerns about the process and the potential for political interference in the judiciary. However, the motion ultimately passed, sending shockwaves through the legal community.

Justice Chikeka, a respected jurist with over two decades of experience, has yet to publicly respond to the allegations. Her legal team is reportedly analyzing the situation and determining the best course of action.

The Imo State government, led by Governor Hope Uzodinma, also remains silent. While the Assembly’s recommendation carries weight, the ultimate decision regarding Justice Chikeka’s fate rests with the Governor. He has the authority to accept the recommendation and initiate removal proceedings, or he can choose to reject it.

However, the Governor’s decision is not the final chapter. The Assembly’s resolution also calls for forwarding the case to the National Judicial Council (NJC) – the independent body responsible for the appointment and discipline of judges in Nigeria. The NJC is likely to conduct its own investigation into the allegations and pronounce its verdict.

This situation raises several critical questions:

  • Does the evidence support the allegations of age falsification? The public remains in the dark regarding the specific nature of the evidence presented by the CSEP and the ad-hoc committee. A transparent and impartial investigation is crucial to ensure a fair outcome.
  • Did the Imo House of Assembly follow due process? Concerns have been raised regarding the Assembly’s adherence to proper legal procedures during the investigation. Justice Chikeka’s right to defend herself must be respected.
  • Is this politically motivated? Some speculate that the allegations and removal attempt could be politically motivated, targeting a Chief Judge who may have ruled against the interests of certain political entities. A thorough and independent investigation is necessary to dispel such suspicions.

The potential implications of this case are far-reaching. If the allegations against Justice Chikeka are proven true, it could set a precedent for stricter scrutiny of judicial appointments and age verification procedures.

Furthermore, the Governor’s decision and the NJC’s investigation will be closely watched. A perceived lack of independence in either process could erode public trust in the judiciary – a vital pillar of democracy.

The coming weeks and months will likely see legal battles, public pronouncements, and heightened scrutiny. The Imo State judiciary finds itself at the center of a storm, and only time will tell how this saga unfolds.


Yetty is an entertainment blogger with skin in the game. She knows her way around the industry and thrives to promote and share binge-worthy contents. She is one of the best bloggers out there.

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