The Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Lapai (IBB Lapai), has banned graduating students from organizing or participating in any form of sign-out celebrations. The university cited security concerns and the need to maintain academic integrity as reasons for the ban.

In a statement released by the university’s registrar, the ban prohibits all forms of sign-out celebrations, including graduations parties, convocations, and other related events. The university warned that any student found to be organizing or participating in such events would face disciplinary action.

Security Concerns

The university cited security concerns as a major reason for the ban. They argued that sign-out celebrations often involve large gatherings of people and can pose a security risk. The university expressed concerns about the potential for violence, vandalism, and other disruptive behaviors during such events.

In addition to security concerns, the university also cited the need to maintain academic integrity as a reason for the ban. They argued that sign-out celebrations can sometimes involve activities that are not in line with the university’s values and mission.

Student Protests and Disappointment

The ban on sign-out celebrations has sparked protests and disappointment among graduating students. Many students have expressed their frustration with the university’s decision, arguing that it is unfair and unreasonable.

Students have pointed out that sign-out celebrations are a tradition in Nigerian universities and that they provide an opportunity for students to celebrate their achievements and bid farewell to their classmates. They have argued that the ban is a violation of their rights and freedoms.

Calls for Dialogue and Compromise

Some students have called for dialogue between the university administration and the students’ union to find a compromise solution. They have suggested that the university could allow sign-out celebrations under certain conditions, such as restricting the number of attendees or requiring prior approval from the university administration.

Others have argued that the university should reconsider its decision and allow students to celebrate their graduation. They have pointed out that the majority of students are law-abiding citizens and that the ban is a punishment for the actions of a few individuals.

University’s Response

The university has maintained its stance on the ban, arguing that it is necessary to protect the safety and security of the university community. They have also emphasized the importance of maintaining academic integrity and upholding the university’s values.

The university has urged students to focus on their academic pursuits and to avoid engaging in activities that could jeopardize their graduation. They have also promised to provide alternative opportunities for students to celebrate their achievements, such as academic excellence awards and recognition ceremonies.

Implications for Students

The ban on sign-out celebrations has significant implications for graduating students. It deprives them of a traditional and important rite of passage, and it can also have a negative impact on their morale and motivation.

Some students may feel that their achievements are not being recognized or celebrated, which could lead to feelings of disappointment and resentment. The ban could also have a negative impact on the university’s reputation and its ability to attract students.


The IBB Lapai University’s decision to ban sign-out celebrations is a controversial one that has sparked debate and controversy among students and faculty. While the university has cited security concerns and the need to maintain academic integrity as reasons for the ban, many students believe that the decision is unfair and unreasonable.

The issue of sign-out celebrations raises important questions about the role of universities in fostering a positive and supportive learning environment for students. It also highlights the tension between the need for safety and security and the desire of students to celebrate their achievements.

It remains to be seen whether the university will reconsider its decision or whether the ban will remain in place. The outcome of this issue could have significant implications for the future of IBB Lapai University and its ability to attract and retain students.


Yetty is an entertainment blogger with skin in the game. She knows her way around the industry and thrives to promote and share binge-worthy contents. She is one of the best bloggers out there.

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