The IA Foundation, a Nigerian non-governmental organization (NGO) at the forefront of child advocacy, has enthusiastically endorsed UNICEF’s recent e-birth registration initiative. This landmark program, implemented in collaboration with the National Population Commission (NPC), aims to streamline birth registration across the country through a digital platform. The initiative incorporates the National Identification Number (NIN) into the birth registration process, granting every child a unique digital identity and a vital step towards securing their rights as Nigerian citizens.

A Cause for Celebration: Addressing the Out-of-School Children Crisis

Mrs. Ibironke Adeagbo, the IA Foundation’s founder, expressed her fervent support for the initiative. “We at the IA Foundation wholeheartedly commend UNICEF for advocating for this crucial e-birth registration program,” she declared. This ambitious initiative, targeting a staggering 13 million registrations across Nigeria, holds immense potential to transform the lives of countless children.

One of the most compelling aspects of the program, according to Mrs. Adeagbo, lies in its potential to tackle the pervasive issue of out-of-school children. By enabling a more efficient method of tracking children, this initiative will empower the government to readily identify those who haven’t been enrolled in school despite reaching school age,” she explained. This data, when combined with the recently proposed legislation penalizing parents who neglect their children’s education, can serve as a powerful tool to combat this national challenge.

The Impact of Invisibility: Why Birth Registration Matters

Nigeria contends with a significant number of unregistered children, particularly within remote areas and marginalized communities. This lack of official recognition creates a multitude of problems for these children, effectively rendering them invisible to the system. Without a birth certificate, they face significant hurdles in accessing essential services like education, healthcare, and social security benefits.

“A birth certificate serves as the cornerstone of a child’s identity,” Mrs. Adeagbo emphasized. “It verifies their existence, nationality, and opens the door to a life brimming with opportunities. Without this crucial document, children become highly susceptible to exploitation, trafficking, and even forced labor. The e-birth registration initiative has the potential to dismantle these barriers and empower countless children to claim their rightful place in society.”

Beyond Numbers: The Ripple Effect of Digital Identity

The ramifications of e-birth registration extend far beyond simply generating numbers. A robust digital birth registration system fosters better planning and resource allocation by government agencies. With accurate data on child demographics, the government can tailor programs to effectively address the specific needs of each region, ensuring a more equitable distribution of resources.

Furthermore, a digital identity empowers children with a sense of belonging and facilitates their smooth integration into society. Owning their identity opens doors to future opportunities, such as employment, financial services, and even the ability to vote.

Challenges and the Road Ahead

While the e-birth registration initiative presents a monumental step forward, challenges remain. Ensuring internet connectivity and access to digital devices in remote areas is crucial for the program’s success. Additionally, raising awareness and educating communities about the significance of birth registration is vital for widespread adoption.

The IA Foundation has pledged its unwavering support to UNICEF and the NPC in addressing these challenges. “We are committed to collaborating with all stakeholders to ensure the smooth implementation of this program,” affirmed Mrs. Adeagbo. Through targeted outreach initiatives and community engagement programs, we aim to bridge the digital divide and empower families to embrace the advantages of e-birth registration.

A Collaborative Effort: Building a Brighter Future for Nigerian Children

The success of the e-birth registration program hinges on a collaborative effort. The IA Foundation urges all stakeholders, including government agencies, civil society organizations, and traditional community leaders, to join forces in promoting the program. By working together, they can ensure that every Nigerian child is recognized, protected, and empowered to reach their full potential.

The e-birth registration initiative presents a golden opportunity to rewrite the narrative for millions of Nigerian children. By granting them a digital identity, we pave the way for a brighter future, one where every child is valued, counted, and equipped to thrive.


Yetty is an entertainment blogger with skin in the game. She knows her way around the industry and thrives to promote and share binge-worthy contents. She is one of the best bloggers out there.

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