In a move that has sent shockwaves through Nigerian politics, former Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) National Organizing Secretary, Alhaji Abubakar Mustapha, alongside other prominent figures, have defected to the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC). This high-profile departure comes just weeks before the crucial national elections scheduled for February 2025, raising questions about the PDP’s internal cohesion and boosting the APC’s chances.

Mustapha’s Exit: A Blow to the PDP’s Machinery?

Mustapha, a seasoned politician with a strong base in Kaduna State, is considered a significant loss for the PDP. His resignation letter, addressed to the Gubuchi Ward Chairman in Makarfi Local Government Area, Kaduna, cited “personal reasons” for his departure. However, analysts believe there may be more to the story.

Speculation is rife that Mustapha’s defection is linked to internal wrangling within the PDP, particularly concerning the zoning of presidential and vice-presidential tickets for the upcoming elections. The PDP has yet to make an official announcement, and different factions within the party are intensely lobbying for their preferred candidates. Mustapha’s move to the APC, a party with a clearer stance on zoning, could be seen as a strategic shift in his political calculations.

Who Else is Leaving the PDP Ship?

Mustapha’s defection wasn’t an isolated incident. Several other prominent PDP figures, including Senator Aisha Alkali from Adamawa State and a handful of House of Representatives members, also announced their departure for the APC. This exodus of experienced politicians weakens the PDP’s structure and raises concerns about the party’s ability to mount a serious challenge in the upcoming polls.

The APC Celebrates, PDP Scrambles for Damage Control

The APC has unsurprisingly welcomed the defectors with open arms. The party chairman, Senator Abdullahi Adamu, threw a lavish reception to celebrate the influx of “experienced politicians” who will strengthen the APC’s ranks. He portrayed the defections as a sign of growing public confidence in the ruling party’s leadership and vision for Nigeria.

Meanwhile, the PDP leadership is scrambling for damage control. The party’s National Chairman, Prince Uche Secondus, downplayed the significance of the defections, calling them “opportunistic moves by individuals who have lost faith in their own abilities to win elections on the PDP platform.” He emphasized the party’s strong grassroots support and expressed confidence in their chances of victory in 2025.

What Does This Mean for the Upcoming Elections?

The impact of these defections on the upcoming elections remains to be seen. While Mustapha and other departing figures bring valuable experience and political capital, their influence may be limited to their immediate constituencies. The national outcome will likely hinge on broader voter sentiment, regional dynamics, and the effectiveness of each party’s campaign strategies.

However, these defections undoubtedly strengthen the APC’s position in certain regions, particularly Kaduna State, where Mustapha wielded considerable influence. Additionally, the negative publicity surrounding the PDP’s internal divisions could dampen voter enthusiasm for the party.

Uncertainties and Intrigue: The Road to 2025

The Nigerian political landscape has become even more unpredictable with these high-profile defections. The upcoming months will be crucial as both the PDP and APC solidify their campaign strategies and address internal challenges. The focus will be on how the parties address issues of national concern, their candidate selection processes, and their ability to mobilize their respective support bases.

One thing is certain: the 2025 Nigerian elections promise to be a fiercely contested affair. The defections have injected a new layer of intrigue into the race, and only time will tell how these developments will ultimately shape the outcome.


Yetty is an entertainment blogger with skin in the game. She knows her way around the industry and thrives to promote and share binge-worthy contents. She is one of the best bloggers out there.

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