A powerful documentary titled “On Your Own” by a young Nigerian filmmaker has taken the film world by storm. Directed by Itegboje Daniel, a 500-level medical student at the University of Benin, the film chronicles the lives of young boys growing up on the unforgiving streets of Benin City, Nigeria, and their journeys into adulthood. Its recent selection for the prestigious Durban International Film Festival (DIFF) marks a significant milestone, placing it on a potential path towards Oscar glory.

From Medical Aspirations to Artistic Expression: The Birth of “On Your Own”

Itegboje Daniel’s journey into filmmaking is as unique as the story he tells. Though pursuing a medical degree, Daniel harbored a long-held passion for storytelling. He saw filmmaking as a powerful tool for social commentary and a means to shine a light on the struggles faced by underprivileged youth in his community.

Medicine and documentary filmmaking felt poles apart and impossible,” Daniel said in a recent interview. But I felt determined to make it work.” He credits his unwavering faith for helping him navigate the complexities of balancing his studies with his burgeoning filmmaking career.

Capturing Resilience: A Glimpse into the Lives of Benin’s Street Boys

On Your Own” delves into the harsh realities faced by street children in Benin City. The documentary follows a group of boys as they navigate the challenges of poverty, hunger, and violence. Daniel’s intimate portrayal avoids sensationalism, instead focusing on the resilience and hope that persists within these young individuals.

Early screenings of the film have garnered praise for its raw honesty and emotional depth. Critics have lauded Daniel’s ability to connect with his subjects and offer a nuanced perspective on a complex social issue.

A Gateway to Recognition: Durban Film Festival Paves the Way

The selection of “On Your Own” for the Durban International Film Festival (DIFF) is a significant achievement. DIFF is one of Africa’s leading film festivals, renowned for showcasing the best in African cinema. This selection provides a platform for Daniel’s work to reach a wider audience and gain international recognition.

The DIFF selection also raises the possibility of an Oscar run. Films screened at qualifying festivals like DIFF become eligible for Oscar consideration, opening doors for potential nominations in categories like Best Documentary Feature.

Beyond Recognition: A Catalyst for Social Change?

The potential Oscar buzz surrounding “On Your Own” extends beyond the realm of awards ceremonies. Daniel hopes that his film will spark conversations about the plight of street children in Nigeria and beyond.

“I want people to see this film and feel compelled to act,” he says. “These children deserve a better future, and I hope my film can be a catalyst for positive change.”

A Young Filmmaker’s Journey: Challenges and the Road Ahead

Despite the early success, Daniel acknowledges the challenges that lie ahead. As a first-time filmmaker, securing funding and distribution for “On Your Own” will be an uphill battle. He hopes that the exposure gained at DIFF will attract potential investors and distributors, allowing his film to reach a wider audience.

Daniel’s story is an inspiration to aspiring filmmakers worldwide. It demonstrates the power of dedication, passion, and a commitment to social justice. As “On Your Own” embarks on its festival journey and the Oscar race becomes a possibility, one thing is certain: Itegboje Daniel’s powerful debut has the potential to not only garner awards but also spark a movement for change.


Yetty is an entertainment blogger with skin in the game. She knows her way around the industry and thrives to promote and share binge-worthy contents. She is one of the best bloggers out there.

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