Popular Nigerian actor Tobi Bakre has ignited a relatable conversation about the challenges of parenthood with his recent social media post. Bakre, known for his charming on-screen persona, took a humorous yet poignant approach, lamenting the complexities of raising children and suggesting that “parents need PAs [personal assistants]” to handle the demands. His post has resonated with countless parents, sparking discussions about the realities of raising a family in the modern world.

A Hilarious Plea: Beyond the Laughs

On July 15th, 2024, Tobi Bakre shared a video clip on his Instagram page depicting the chaos of parenting. The video shows him trying to sleep while his young son repeatedly disrupts him with playful antics. The caption reads, “He go show me pass wetin I show my papa [He will show me more than what I showed my father]. Parents need PAs for these kids. #FatherhoodChronicles.” (The bracketed text is a Nigerian Pidgin English phrase)

Bakre’s relatable humor struck a chord with his followers, particularly parents who recognized the daily struggles he depicted. The post garnered a significant response, with many parents sharing their own experiences and offering words of support and solidarity.

Beyond the Highlight Reel: The Unfiltered Reality of Parenting

Social media often portrays a romanticized version of parenthood, filled with picture-perfect moments and filtered photos. However, Bakre’s post offers a refreshing dose of reality, acknowledging the exhaustion, frustration, and sheer relentlessness that comes with raising children.

Here’s a look at the challenges parents face and why Bakre’s message resonates:

  • The Juggling Act: Balancing work, family time, personal needs, and household responsibilities can leave parents feeling overwhelmed and stretched thin.
  • Sleep Deprivation: Newborns and young children often have unpredictable sleep patterns, leading to sleep deprivation and fatigue for parents.
  • Emotional Rollercoaster: Parenthood is an emotional journey filled with joy, frustration, love, and worry. The constant change and demands can be emotionally taxing.
  • Lack of Support: Many parents, particularly working parents or single parents, may feel isolated and lack access to adequate support systems.

Bakre’s humorous plea for parental assistants highlights the very real challenges faced by parents worldwide.

More Than Just Laughter: Building a Support Network

While Bakre’s post is lighthearted, it raises important questions about how to better support parents in raising their children. Here are some potential solutions:

  • Normalizing the Struggle: Openly discussing the challenges of parenthood can help parents feel less alone and encourage them to seek support when needed.
  • Building Support Systems: Encouraging strong community networks, affordable childcare options, and accessible mental health resources can significantly benefit parents.
  • Celebrating Fathers: Recognizing the unique role fathers play in a child’s life and promoting responsible fatherhood can strengthen families.

Bakre’s message transcends humor and sparks a conversation about how to better acknowledge the realities of parenthood and create a more supportive environment for families to thrive.

The Village Effect: Sharing the Responsibility

The proverb “It takes a village to raise a child” emphasizes the importance of a strong support network in raising children. Here’s how communities can contribute to a more supportive environment for parents:

  • Extended Family Support: Grandparents, aunts, uncles, and other family members can offer valuable assistance and emotional support to parents.
  • Community Resources: Investing in daycare centers, after-school programs, and parenting workshops can provide much-needed assistance and learning opportunities for families.
  • Employer Support: Flexible work arrangements, parental leave policies, and on-site childcare facilities can greatly benefit working parents.

By fostering a sense of shared responsibility and creating a network of support, communities can take the burden off parents’ shoulders and allow them to focus on raising happy and healthy children.

A Celebration of Fatherhood: Beyond the “PA” Joke

While Bakre’s request for a parental assistant is humorous, it also highlights the crucial role fathers play in a child’s life. Here’s why celebrating fatherhood is important:

  • Positive Male Role Models: Fathers have a significant impact on their children’s development, providing emotional support, guidance, and a sense of security.
  • Active Engagement: Active and engaged fathers can contribute to a more balanced and fulfilling parenting experience.
  • Breaking Down Stereotypes: Openly discussing the challenges and joys of fatherhood can help dispel outdated stereotypes about fatherhood roles.

Bakre’s post, through its humor and relatable message, has sparked a conversation about the importance of supporting parents,celebrating responsible fatherhood, and creating a more nurturing environment for families to raise the next generation.

The Power of Vulnerability: Men Sharing the Parenting Journey

Traditionally, societal expectations surrounding masculinity often discouraged men from openly discussing the emotional challenges of parenthood. However, a growing trend of celebrity fathers like Tobi Bakre sharing their experiences is helping to break down these barriers.

Here’s how open communication can benefit parents:

  • Destigmatizing Vulnerability: Openly discussing the emotional aspects of fatherhood can help normalize vulnerability and encourage men to seek support when needed.
  • Building Stronger Bonds: Sharing the joys and challenges of parenting strengthens the bond between fathers and their children.
  • Inspiring Other Dads: Seeing other fathers openly discuss the realities of parenthood can inspire other men to be more involved and engaged fathers.

By embracing vulnerability and sharing their experiences, fathers like Tobi Bakre can dismantle stereotypes, encourage open communication, and empower men to become more active and supportive partners in the parenting journey.

A Call to Action: Advocating for Change

The conversation sparked by Tobi Bakre’s post serves as a call to action for various stakeholders in society:

  • Policymakers: Implementing policies such as affordable childcare, parental leave extensions, and mental health support services can significantly ease the burden on parents.
  • Media Outlets: Promoting a more realistic portrayal of parenthood in media, showcasing the challenges alongside the joys, can offer a more balanced perspective.
  • Employers: Creating a work environment that supports working parents through flexible schedules, on-site childcare options, and understanding management can make a positive difference.
  • Society at Large: Building a supportive community that celebrates responsible fatherhood and offers practical assistance to all parents fosters a healthier environment for families.

The responsibility for supporting parents extends beyond individuals. By working together, policymakers, media, corporations, and communities can create a more supportive ecosystem for raising children, allowing fathers like Tobi Bakre to enjoy the journey of parenthood without feeling overwhelmed.

The Final Note: A Celebration of Family and Shared Responsibility

Tobi Bakre’s humorous yet poignant post has sparked a necessary conversation about the realities of parenthood. It is a call to celebrate fathers, acknowledge the challenges faced by parents, and advocate for a more supportive environment where raising a family is a shared responsibility. By fostering open communication, building strong support networks, and implementing policies that empower parents, we can create a world where the joys of parenthood outweigh the difficulties, allowing families to thrive and children to reach their full potential.


Yetty is an entertainment blogger with skin in the game. She knows her way around the industry and thrives to promote and share binge-worthy contents. She is one of the best bloggers out there.

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