Former All Progressives Congress (APC) House of Assembly aspirant Promise Ogumu has issued a clarion call for unity within the party’s ranks. Speaking from Benin City on Thursday, Ogumu painted a vivid picture of a party at a crossroads, grappling with internal divisions that threaten to undermine its future electoral prospects. His words come at a crucial time as the Delta State APC seeks to replicate the recent gubernatorial success of its Edo State counterpart.

As the morning sun cast long shadows over Benin City’s bustling streets, Promise Ogumu sat down with journalists, his brow furrowed with concern for the party he has long served. Division and factionalism have deeply infiltrated our Delta State chapter,” he began, his voice tinged with urgency. Particularly among the party’s leadership, we’ve seen cracks that could become chasms if left unaddressed.

Ogumu’s words carry the weight of experience. As the 2023 presidential and gubernatorial election coordinator for Ika North East, he has witnessed firsthand the power of unity – and the perils of division.

Turning his gaze northward, Ogumu held up the Edo State APC chapter as a beacon of hope and a model for emulation. The cohesive spirit demonstrated by our Edo brothers and sisters was instrumental in securing their recent gubernatorial victory,” he noted, a hint of admiration in his voice.

This success story stands in stark contrast to the current state of affairs in Delta. Ogumu’s analogy was both poetic and pointed: “Party members, particularly senior leaders, cannot prevent the birds of disunity from flying over their heads, but they can stop them from building a nest in their hair.”

As the interview progressed, Ogumu didn’t mince words about the potential consequences of continued infighting. “When two elephants fight, the earth suffers,” he said, his voice rising with emotion. “Such is the fate of the Delta State APC due to division.”

The stakes, according to Ogumu, couldn’t be higher. With the 2027 elections looming on the horizon, he emphasized the urgent need for reconciliation and a unified front. Now is not the time for blame regarding who is right or wrong,” he insisted. “It’s a time for each of us to make sincere efforts to walk the path of unity, peace, and togetherness.”

As the interview drew to a close, Ogumu laid out a roadmap for reconciliation within the Delta State APC. His words carried the weight of both warning and wisdom:

“We must bridge the gap in our chapter by leaving the past behind us, embracing the truth of unity, and donning the collective armor needed for posterity,” he urged. “Those who sin with us will ultimately sin against us. Therefore, the remedy lies in pursuing reconciliation, which brings power, strength, courage, and unity.”

This call to action resonated with those present, sparking discussions about practical steps towards healing the party’s internal rifts.

While much of the conversation centered on political strategy, Ogumu didn’t shy away from addressing the human cost of party infighting. It is disheartening and quite appalling to witness a family and a people who should be united fighting each other,” he lamented, his voice softening with genuine concern.

This sentiment struck a chord with many in attendance, including local party member Esther Okonkwo. “We’ve been so focused on our differences that we’ve forgotten what brought us together in the first place,” she reflected. “Mr. Ogumu’s words are a much-needed reminder of our shared goals.”

As the interview concluded, the conversation naturally turned to the future. With the 2027 elections on the horizon, Ogumu emphasized the critical importance of the coming months and years.

“We have disagreed enough; it is time to agree and work in unity,” he declared, his voice filled with determination. In the court of equity and justice, no APC member in the leadership hierarchy is exempt; all are culpable. We have all, at some point, offended one another. But unity is the solution; it is the foundation upon which a political party, a people, a family, and a society remain strong.

These words seemed to hang in the air, challenging all present to reflect on their role in either fostering unity or perpetuating division.

As the journalists packed up their equipment and party members began to disperse, there was a palpable sense that this moment could be a turning point for the Delta State APC. Ogumu’s impassioned plea for unity had laid bare the challenges facing the party, but also illuminated a path forward.

Local political analyst Dr. Amina Bello offered her perspective: “Mr. Ogumu’s call for unity comes at a critical juncture. The ability of the Delta APC to heed this call and bridge its internal divides could well determine its fate in 2027 and beyond.”

Promise Ogumu’s appeal for unity within the Delta State APC represents more than just political maneuvering. It’s a recognition that the strength of any political party lies in its ability to present a united front, to work together towards common goals despite individual differences. As the dust settles on this candid interview, the ball is now in the court of the Delta APC leadership and membership. Will they rise to the challenge, set aside their differences, and forge a path towards unity? Only time will tell, but one thing is certain: the future of the party in Delta State hangs in the balance.


Yetty is an entertainment blogger with skin in the game. She knows her way around the industry and thrives to promote and share binge-worthy contents. She is one of the best bloggers out there.

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