The Nigerian government has announced a significant increase in passport fees, effective immediately. The decision has sparked widespread criticism and protests from citizens who argue that the new fees are exorbitant and discriminatory.

The new passport fees, which were announced by the Minister of Interior, Rauf Aregbesola, are as follows:

  • 32-page passport:  Fifty Thousand Naira from Thirty – Five Thousand  Naira
  • 64-page passport: Hundred Thousand Naira from Seventy Thousand Naira

Government Justification

The government has justified the fee increase by citing the need to improve passport production and processing. According to the Minister of Interior, the additional revenue generated from the higher fees will be used to upgrade passport production facilities and enhance security features.

The government has also argued that the new fees are still competitive compared to other countries in the region.

Public Outrage

The decision to increase passport fees has been met with widespread public outrage. Many Nigerians have criticized the government for imposing additional financial burdens on citizens, especially at a time when the economy is struggling.

Protesters have argued that the fee increase is discriminatory, as it disproportionately affects low-income Nigerians who cannot afford the higher costs. They have called on the government to reconsider the decision and find alternative ways to generate revenue.

The Impact on Nigerians

The increase in passport fees is expected to have a significant impact on Nigerians, particularly those who need to travel frequently. The higher costs could make it difficult for many people to obtain passports, limiting their opportunities for travel and education.

The decision could also have negative consequences for the Nigerian economy. If fewer Nigerians are able to travel, it could reduce tourism revenue and limit the country’s economic growth.

The Role of Corruption

Corruption has been identified as a major factor contributing to the high cost of obtaining passports in Nigeria. Bribery and other forms of corruption have been known to occur at various stages of the passport application process, driving up the overall cost.

The government has pledged to address corruption in the passport system, but it remains to be seen whether these efforts will be effective.

The Way Forward

The increase in passport fees is a controversial decision with significant implications for Nigerians. It is important for the government to engage in dialogue with the public and address their concerns.

The government should also consider alternative ways to generate revenue, such as increasing taxes on high-income earners or reducing wasteful spending.

Ultimately, the goal should be to make passports more accessible to all Nigerians, regardless of their socioeconomic status. This will require a comprehensive approach that addresses both the financial and administrative challenges associated with obtaining passports.

The Controversy Continues

The debate over the passport fee increase is likely to continue for some time. As the government and the public continue to engage in discussions, it remains to be seen whether the decision will be reversed or modified.

In the meantime, Nigerians will continue to face the challenges associated with obtaining passports, and the government will need to work to mitigate the negative impacts of the fee increase.


Ade is consistent in the world of politics, tech and entertainment. He is really updated on the recent happenings in the world and has a skin in the game.

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