In a remarkable display of dedication and faith, members of the Love of Christ Generation Church, Cherubim and Seraphim, embarked on a 24.2-kilometer walk through the heart of Abuja, Nigeria’s capital city. This symbolic trek, held on Saturday, July 13th, 2024, aimed to spread a powerful message of unity and love, not just within the church community, but across the entire nation.

A Walk With a Purpose

The walk served as a prelude to a major church conference scheduled for July 20th, themed “Celebrating the Unity of the Holy Spirit: Celebrate the Comforter.” Reverend Mother Esther Ajayi, the church’s founder, addressed participants during the walk, emphasizing the significance of the long trek. She explained, “This walk is more than just exercise; it’s a journey towards a more unified Nigeria. We want to showcase the power of faith in bringing people together, fostering love, and promoting peace.

The route for the walk began at the Moshood Abiola National Stadium, a site synonymous with national unity and sporting excellence. From there, the church members marched for 7.7 kilometers, reaching Area 1, a bustling district in Abuja. The journey continued for another 9.2 kilometers, culminating at the iconic Eagle Square, a central landmark symbolizing the seat of government. Finally, with unwavering determination, the participants retraced their steps, returning to the National Stadium after a total distance of 24.2 kilometers.

Unity in Every Step

Reverend Mother Ajayi, citing scriptures like Psalm 133 and 1 Corinthians 12, spoke passionately about the importance of unity within the Christian community and humanity as a whole. She urged all Christians to embrace one another in love and unity, emphasizing the biblical principle of loving one’s neighbor as oneself.

“Discrimination within the church has no place,” declared Reverend Mother Ajayi. “We must celebrate our differences and find strength in our diversity. This walk is a testament to that principle. We walk together, regardless of age, background, or denomination, united by our faith and our love for God and our country.

The message resonated deeply with the participants. Many expressed their belief in the power of unity to overcome societal challenges.

“Nigeria faces many divisions,” shared Adeola Martins, a young church member. “This walk gives me hope that we can bridge those gaps. By coming together, we can create a more peaceful and prosperous nation.”

More Than Just a Walk – A Call to Action

The walk transcended a mere physical feat. It served as a powerful symbol of the church’s commitment to fostering social change. The Love of Christ Generation Church has a long history of community outreach programs, and this walk further solidified their dedication to promoting peace and unity in Nigeria.

The success of the walk garnered significant media attention, sparking conversations about the importance of social cohesion and religious tolerance. Social media platforms buzzed with positive messages, with many praising the church’s initiative and calling for similar acts of unity across the nation.

The enduring impact of the walk will likely be measured not just in kilometers covered, but in the hearts and minds touched by the message of unity and love. The church has invited people of all faiths and backgrounds to attend the upcoming conference, creating a platform for further dialogue and collaboration towards a more peaceful and unified Nigeria.

Beyond the Walk: A Continuing Journey

The Love of Christ Generation Church’s initiative serves as a powerful reminder that positive change often begins with a single step. Their commitment to fostering unity and love through this symbolic walk offers a beacon of hope, not just for their church community, but for the entire nation. As Nigeria grapples with social and religious tensions, the message of the walk serves as a potent call to action, urging all citizens to embrace unity, celebrate diversity, and work together to build a stronger, more peaceful nation.

The church’s actions serve as a challenge to all Nigerians – religious leaders, community organizations, and individuals alike. By fostering dialogue, promoting tolerance, and taking concrete steps towards unity, Nigerians can collectively create a brighter future for their nation.


Yetty is an entertainment blogger with skin in the game. She knows her way around the industry and thrives to promote and share binge-worthy contents. She is one of the best bloggers out there.

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