Salihu Lukman, a name synonymous with both unwavering loyalty and vocal dissent within the All Progressives Congress (APC), has finally severed ties with the party. The former National Vice Chairman (North West) and National Working Committee (NWC) member tendered his resignation in a scathing letter titled “APC and The Future of Nigerian Democracy: Letter to Selected APC Leaders.” This move comes after months of public criticism directed at the party leadership, particularly President Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu.

Lukman’s resignation marks a significant turning point in his tumultuous relationship with the APC. He was once a staunch party loyalist, having served as Director-General of the Progressives Governors’ Forum. However, his outspoken nature and commitment to internal reform increasingly clashed with the perceived authoritarian tendencies of the party leadership.
The crux of Lukman’s discontent lies in his belief that the APC has strayed far from its founding vision of a progressive party. He accuses the current leadership of lacking internal democracy and stifling dissent. In his resignation letter, he laments, “the atmosphere in the party is completely at variance with the founding vision of forming a progressive party.”Lukman’s frustration extends to President Tinubu’s policies and governing style. He criticizes what he perceives as a lack of tolerance for criticism and a shift towards policies that are “anti-people” and contradict the party’s own campaign promises. Lukman argues that these policies make it impossible for the APC to win future elections without resorting to rigging.
This isn’t the first time Lukman has publicly challenged the APC leadership. In the past, he has been critical of the party’s handling of issues like insecurity, corruption, and economic stagnation. His outspokenness, while often courageous, also made him a thorn in the side of the party establishment.
Lukman’s resignation has sent shockwaves through the Nigerian political landscape. Some see it as a symptom of deeper malaise within the APC, a party struggling to maintain internal cohesion after a hard-fought victory. Others view it as a calculated move by Lukman to position himself as a leading voice of dissent and a potential future challenger within the opposition.

Possible Ramifications of Lukman’s Resignation

  • Deepening Divisions Within the APC: Lukman’s resignation may embolden other critical voices within the party, leading to further factionalism and weakening the APC’s ability to present a united front in future elections.
  • Boost for the Opposition: The opposition parties, particularly the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), could capitalize on the disarray within the APC. Lukman’s criticisms may resonate with voters disillusioned with the ruling party.
  • Focus on Reforms or Crackdown on Dissent? The APC leadership now faces a crucial decision: address internal grievances or clamp down on dissent further. Their choice will significantly impact the party’s future.

Lukman’s Next Move: Uncertain Path Forward

Lukman’s future political trajectory remains unclear. He has hinted at a return to “the trenches,” suggesting he will continue to advocate for progressive ideals outside the confines of the APC. Whether he joins an existing opposition party, forms a new political movement, or pursues a more independent role as a political commentator remains to be seen.

One thing is certain: Lukman is unlikely to remain silent. His voice, now free from the constraints of party loyalty, could become a potent force in the Nigerian political arena.

The APC in a Time of Change

The APC faces the challenge of navigating a period of uncertainty. President Tinubu must address the concerns raised by Lukman and other dissenting voices to maintain party unity and ensure electoral success in the future.

Lukman’s resignation serves as a stark reminder that no party is immune to internal dissent. The coming months will be crucial for the APC as it grapples with its identity and charts its course for the future.



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