The stage is set for a high-stakes political showdown in Edo State, as the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has officially released the final list of candidates vying for the governorship seat in the upcoming September 21 election. With this crucial announcement, made by INEC’s national commissioner and chairman of the Information and Voter Education Committee, Sam Olumekun, the official campaign period is poised to commence this Wednesday, April 24, ushering in what is anticipated to be an intense and potentially transformative electoral season.

Details on Campaign Kickoff

In accordance with the meticulous guidelines provided by INEC, the campaigning period will span nearly five months, commencing on April 24 and culminating at midnight on September 19, 2024 – just two days before the highly anticipated election day. This timeframe aligns seamlessly with items 8 and 12 of the election’s Timetable and Schedule of Activities, affording ample opportunity for the political parties and their respective candidates to articulate their visions, connect with the electorate, and garner support across the state.

Candidate Adjustments and Final List

Image Source: The Sun Nigeria

Olumekun’s announcement shed light on the dynamic nature of the candidate selection process, as adjustments were made by several parties in their gubernatorial and vice-gubernatorial nominations following the initial primaries. Exercising their rights under Section 33 of the Electoral Act 2022, parties such as the Action Alliance (AA) and African Democratic Congress (ADC) opted to replace both their governorship candidates and running mates, while others, including the African Action Congress (AAC) and the New Nigeria Peoples Party (NNPP), switched their vice-candidate nominations.

These strategic maneuverings have culminated in a diverse and formidable final slate of 17 candidates, comprising 16 males and one female contender. The list, which INEC has made readily available at its office in Edo State, as well as on its website and social media platforms, provides comprehensive information on each candidate, including their age, academic qualifications, and disability status – a testament to the Commission’s commitment to transparency and public accessibility.

Public Information Access

Recognizing the pivotal role of an informed electorate in the democratic process, INEC has taken proactive measures to ensure that the final candidate list, along with other pertinent information, is readily accessible to the public. By uploading these materials to its website and actively disseminating them through social media channels, the Commission aims to empower citizens with the knowledge necessary to make informed decisions at the ballot box.

Guidelines for Conducting Campaigns

As the campaigns gear up to commence, INEC has sounded a clarion call to all parties and their affiliates, reminding them of the imperative to adhere strictly to the legal frameworks and ethical guidelines set forth in the Electoral Act 2022. The Commission has emphasized the necessity for campaigns to be conducted with civility, devoid of inciting language, violence, and any attempts at voter inducement or manipulation.

The provisions that govern these crucial aspects of the electoral process are meticulously detailed in Sections 92 – 97 of the Act, underscoring the gravity of maintaining decorum and upholding the integrity of the democratic process. INEC’s unwavering stance on these matters serves as a bulwark against any potential threats to the fairness and credibility of the elections.

Significance of the Edo Gubernatorial Race

The Edo gubernatorial race holds profound significance not only for the state but for the nation as a whole. As a pivotal swing state, the outcome of this election could potentially reshape the political landscape and set the stage for future electoral contests. With a diverse array of candidates representing various ideological leanings and policy platforms, the residents of Edo State are poised to witness a dynamic and potentially transformative electoral season.

The campaigns will undoubtedly serve as a crucible for public discourse, where candidates will be challenged to articulate their visions for the state’s future, address pressing socioeconomic challenges, and outline concrete strategies for fostering sustainable development and progress. The electorate, armed with the knowledge of the candidates’ backgrounds and qualifications, will have the opportunity to engage in informed deliberations and ultimately cast their votes in alignment with their aspirations for Edo State.

As the countdown to the commencement of the Edo gubernatorial campaigns begins, the stakes are undeniably high. INEC’s release of the final candidate list signals the start of a critical phase in the electoral process, one that will test the mettle of the candidates and the resilience of the democratic institutions that underpin Nigeria’s political landscape.

With a diverse array of contenders vying for the coveted governorship seat, the residents of Edo State can anticipate a vibrant and robust campaign season, where ideas, policies, and visions for the state’s future will be rigorously debated and scrutinized. As the candidates embark on their respective campaigns, adherence to INEC’s guidelines and a commitment to upholding the principles of free, fair, and credible elections will be paramount.

The outcome of this election holds the potential to shape the trajectory of Edo State for years to come, underscoring the significance of an informed and engaged electorate. As the campaigns unfold, the nation will be watching with bated breath, eager to witness the unfolding of a democratic process that could serve as a beacon of hope and inspiration for the rest of the country.


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